Enpresa sistema eragilea SharePoint

Orduz geroztik aurrekontu bat entzun nuen, informatzen Q batean zehar&Steve Ballmer saio martxoan 2007, I’ve sort of been holding my breath for something to happen. The quote was basically this: “SharePoint is an operating system for business applications.” Knowing a fair bit about SharePoint and a middling bit about operating systems, I thought it was really apt. I’m holding my breath, waiting for companies to really buy into that concept and start to build applications within the SharePoint “operating system.”

Pentsamendu asko gai honen eskainitako Nik aurten (nire 2009 iragarpenak) eta hau hitz egitea noa May 2 SharePoint Larunbata Washington gertaera.

Hau da nire aurkezpena abstract, izeneko "SharePoint Plataforma erabiliz bertikala mailako aplikazioak eraikitzeko.":

"Horizontala?"" Bertikala?"Zer SharePoint testuinguru batean hitz horiek esan nahi? SharePoint, askotan entzun dugu gisa, "plataforma" eraikin aplikazio. Izan ere, hau da, sarritan gurekin deiturikoak plataforma horizontal ezaugarriak galdu zenetik, hala nola, dokumentu kudeaketa eta bilaketa, are so easy and useful in and of themselves. Hala eta guztiz ere, SharePoint da, are gehiago, indartsua eta balio handiagoa emango erabiltzen denean bertikala egokitutako zure negozio 'eguna asetzeko eguneko eskakizunak aplikazioak sortzeko. Saio honek deskribatzen du nola plataforma ezaugarri muntatzeko irtenbide bat verticalized bat mundu errealean enpresa adibide erabiliz - salmentak aurrekontua kudeaketa prozesuak eta bezeroen atebidea. Hiztunaren helburua da, begiak irekitzen SharePoint plataforma aukerak eta leverage bere plataforma horizontal ezaugarri enpresa espezializatu zure erakundeko bertikala soluzioak sortzeko.

Gaia ez bada flotatzen zure ontzia, there are a bunch of other good topics. And DC is a great venue in and of itself to visit.

Izen-ematea irekiko da ostegun honetan, 04/16. Keep on top of the site and grab a seat before it’s too late 🙂


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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2 buruzko gogoeta "Enpresa sistema eragilea SharePoint

  1. Mike Oryszak

    I agree that its promise is that it can be a platform that can become a Business Operating System. What started with a few vendors delivery bolt-on applications and vertical solutions has now lead to a number of vendors delivering frameworks that interact with and help support custom solution deployment.

    Back in February I wrote a blog post on The SharePoint Cloud (http://nextconnect.blogspot.com/search/label/Cloud Computing).

    I’m interested in seeing how companies take advantage of this over time.


Utzi iruzkin bat

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