Cartlanna Catagóire: SharePoint Riarachán

SharePoint 2010 Réiteach bhfostú i "imscaradh” Stádas

Úsáid mé PowerShell a imscaradh ar réiteach chun feirm SharePoint (h / t:  Corey Roth agus a chuid blog post). 

Chuaigh mé ansin chuig an admin lárnach, rochtain Socruithe Córas agus ansin "Bainistigh réitigh feirme" chun é a imscaradh ar an bhfeirm agus le mo (beag) dismay, Fuair ​​sé i bhfostú "imscaradh".

Mé le feiceáil an gceist seo teacht suas go minic ar na fóraim MSDN, mar sin bhí mé go leor neirbhíseach faoi.  Chuardach mé timpeall le beagán agus Fuair ​​an Airteagal seo ina chuidiú (ag duine is cosúil gcruthaíonn sé unattributed ó  Ceal mé an post a imscaradh agus nuair a chliceáil mé isteach an réiteach, D'inis sé dom go raibh sé imscaradh go rathúil an réiteach le trí cinn de na ceithre freastalaithe i an bhfeirm.

Chuaigh mé go dtí an freastalaí errant, Stop an tseirbhís lasc ama agus atosú é.  Windows fhreastalaí inis iarbhír liom gur theip ar an tseirbhís chun freagra a thabhairt ar an ordú, ionas go Insíonn dom go raibh sé breoite.

An uair seo, nuair a chuaigh mé ar ais chuig admin lárnach, Bhí mé in ann a imscaradh sé nach bhfuil aon fhadhb.

Tá súil againn go mbeidh an beagán de info cuidiú éigin i gceann ceangal de na laethanta.


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Export-SPWeb Insíonn Me "InvalidData” Ach tá an Sonraí bailí

Tá mé i bpróiseas na scríbhneoireachta earra do na daoine go maith ag agus go mbaineann sé imscaradh liosta ó fheirm a fhorbairt ar fheirm a tháirgeadh.  Tá mé ag accustomed fós ag baint úsáide as stsadm agus is gá a bhriseadh go nós, mar sin fired mé suas an SharePoint 2010 Bainistíocht Shell agus d'imir sé timpeall ag baint úsáide Export-SPWeb chun cúltaca mo liosta.  Cad é an rud strangely deacair a bhí le bheith!

Choinnigh mé ag fáil an earráid seo:


Sin earráid, "InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share…CmdletExportweb"”) bhí mé a mharú.  Tá mé náire ar cé chomh fada mé ag streachailt leis seo.

Bhí mé roimhe seo reáchtáil i balla le PowerShell agus a úsáidtear stsadm a fháil timpeall air.  Rinne mé é arís an am seo agus fuair mé torthaí maithe.

Chaith mé a lán de fiddling ama ar fud leis an rogha-aitheantais agus ansin ar deireadh le-ItemURL.  Casadh sé amach go n-éilíonn an rogha ItemURL cosán iomlán ar an liosta / na leabharlainne tú  ag iarraidh a onnmhairiú gan an http://giotán freastalaí.  Mar sin,, in ainneoin go bhfuil an argóint Aitheantais dírithe ar subsite, nach bhfuil an ItemURL i gcoibhneas leis an Sainaithin ach i gcoibhneas leis an mbailiúchán láithreán.

Bheadh ​​sé a bheith deas le haghaidh an cmdlet a insint dom cad a bhí minimally bailí (an Aitheantais sa chás seo) agus cad a bhí neamhbhailí (ItemUrl).  Cabhrú leis na baint beag daoine a glacadh leis an táirge.  Gan ding mór i gcoinne SharePoint, but a little one at least 🙂

Tá súil agam go mbeidh an post seo shábháil duine éigin le beagán de grief sa todhchaí.


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Bain úsáid as owssvr.dll chun Taispeáin Faisnéise Láithreán Úsáideacha i SP2010

Bhí mé ag léamh fóraim seo tráthnóna agus d'fhoghlaim siad rud éigin nua (rud a tharlaíonn beagnach gach lá).  Is é seo a phostú:

Go bunúsach, is féidir leat a fháil ar roinnt eolais suimiúil faoi shuíomh ag invoking owssvr.dll aghaidh (h / t go Bil Simser agus John Timney).

Thug mé an triail a i CAONAIGH araon agus timpeallacht SP2010.  D'oibrigh sé go breá sa timpeallacht CAONAIGH.  Mar sin féin, sa 2010 timpeallacht, Ní raibh Idirlíon taiscéalaí ag iarraidh a íoslódáil XML:


Mar a fheiceann tú, Tá a fhios agam go raibh sé 21k nó mar sin de ábhar.  Mar sin féin, nuair a chliceáil mé an cnaipe Sábháil, Fuair ​​mé:


(In ann a oscailt an suíomh seo idirlín.  Tá an suíomh a iarrtar ceachtar ar fáil nó nach féidir teacht air.  Déan iarracht arís ar ball.)  

Fired mé suas Fidléir agus agus bhí mé in ann a fheiceáil ar an aschur, áfach.  Dealraíonn sé cosúil le d'fhéadfadh a bheith ann rud éigin ag tarlú i SP2010 go bhfuil cosc ​​owssvr.dll ó tharchur a pálasta XML an mbealach is mian sé.  Nó, Is é mo thimpeallacht SP2010 ach ag gníomhú di greannmhar.

Shíl mé go raibh sé suimiúil ...


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Réiteach: Thiomsú CAONAIGH Lucht Féachana Adds Uimh Baill Nua

Bottom line: más mian leat a úsáid ar mhaoin próifíl i riail don lucht féachana a chruthú, Ní mór an mhaoin a bheith le feiceáil le "gach duine."

I was working with a co-worker yesterday and he was building out a MOSS audience based on a custom user profile property in MOSS. Sa chás seo, Is é an mhaoin lucht féachana darb ainm "SITECD" agus de réir an ghnáis, Stórálann a 3 Cód carachtar. Bhí sé an lucht éisteachta sainithe agus riail a dúirt go más rud é "ionann SITECD 'ABG'", ansin áireamh go phróifíl úsáideora sa lucht féachana.

Bhunaigh sé phróifíl úsáideora amháin leis an luach agus tiomsaíodh an lucht féachana, but MOSS simply wouldn’t add that user. I noticed that the privacy setting for that profile was set to “me only” (an fhoirm is sriantach) and I remembered reading somewhere that property profiles used in rules must be visible by “everyone”. He made that change and that solved the problem.

The really funny thing about this is that I “remembered” reading about this. It was nagging at me this morning for some reason and I realized that I had written a chapter in this book, CAONAIGH Míniú: An Oibrí Faisnéise Léim Deep isteach i SharePoint Microsoft Server Oifig 2007, agus gur clúdaithe mé an bpointe seo sa chaibidil an-scríobh mé :). I would have thought that every word I wrote in that chapter would be seared into my memory.

Matt Morse scríobhann seo suas go mion álainn anseo agus tagairt mé é sa chaibidil:

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Clibeanna Technorati: ,

Spraoi SharePoint SSO Fíricí an Lae

I’ve been working with SharePoint SSO and learning as I go. One way in which this works is that you tell SharePoint about external applications. Users log into that application via some SharePoint function (e.g. iView gréasáin chuid). The first time the user performs this action, it prompts them for the correct user id and password to use for that system. It’s setting up a mapping between your SharePoint credentials and your credentials for that backend system. Thereafter, the user won’t have to enter their ID when they hit up that system.

That part worked well for me. Mar sin féin, it begs the question, “how does the user change that user id or password?” The user might have made a mistake, or maybe you’re doing some testing in a dev environment and need to quickly switch between accounts.

I don’t know the answer to that, but I do know that you can go into Central Administration and manage the user’s credentials:

Central Administration –> Operations –> Bainistigh Aonair Sign-On -> Bainistigh Eolas Cuntas haghaidh Sainmhíniú Iarratais Fiontraíochta

Ó ann, Is féidir leat a shonrú ar an feidhmchlár seachtrach (e.g. SAP) and the account you want to delete. You can also change the mapping.

Má tá a fhios agat conas a ligean d'úsáideoirí deiridh a athrú díreach a n-dintiúir, kindly post a comment 🙂


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Eachtraí Le iView Páirteanna Gréasáin

I needed to do some minimal proving today that iView web parts can work in my client’s environment. I’ve never worked with this slice of SharePoint before.

Microsoft chruthaigh páipéar chaighdeán an-ard bán ar an ábhar seo.

An chéad chonstaic a bhí agam a shárú a bhí - áit a bhfuil an chuid gréasáin iView? Ar chúis éigin, mo chéad smaoineamh a bhí go mhaith liom a bheith chun é a íoslódáil ó láithreán áit éigin, perhaps SAP’s site. Bhí mé 1/2 convinced myself that iView web parts might even cost extra. Ar ndóigh,, cuirtear san áireamh le CAONAIGH (I mo thuairimse, Fiontraíocht; go bhfuil an méid mé ag baint úsáide as anseo in aon chor). I’ve seen the standard “add a web part” dialog box hundreds or more times and always glossed over it. No more!

The next obstacle is that I can’t read instructions.

Bhí mé ag baint úsáide as an chuid gréasáin agus a choinneáil ag fáil an teachtaireacht annoying:

No SAP servers are configured for this site. Contact your administrator to configure trusted SAP servers.

An páipéar bán a deir go soiléir a chur in eagar comhad cumraíochta suite ag comhad "<Céide Litir:>\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\12.0\Config\TrustedSAPHosts.config”. The first dozen times I looked at that, gach chonaic mé go raibh "Program Files ... Cumraíocht" agus chuaigh mé díreach chuig an 12 hive. Once I finally slowed down to read it, I realized my mistake and it was easy to fix.

I continued on my merry way with SSO configuration. It’s not all at clear to me if that worked, ach sin scéal eile do lá eile.

Bottom line:

1. páirteanna gréasáin iView san áireamh as an bhosca le SharePoint (is dócha Fiontar).

2. An comhad cumraíochta draíochta, "TrustedSAPHosts.config", ní beo i 12 hive.


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VPN stailceanna Arís, Slowing Mise an Dúin agus ruining Mo Beoir

Anocht, I’m doing some hobby work with a virtual machine running on my desktop. I’m connecting via IE on my laptop and I’m noticing horrible performance. IE keeps freezing, go háirithe nuair a liom rochtain a fháil ar rud ar bith sa chúinne uachtarach ar dheis a bheadh ​​ina chúis le anuas chun, go maith, drop down. I would click on Site Actions and things freeze up for a while. They would freeze long enough for me to switch over to another browser window and do something else. If I confine myself to navigating around from page to page, tá sé réasúnta tapaidh, but even that feels slow. De ghnáth, things are very fast.

I’ve had this happen to me before and I think that I ended up rebooting at the time. I’m about to do that when I somehow notice I’m still VPN’d to a client from 2 lá ó shin(!). I disconnect and that that solves my performance problem.


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Clibeanna Technorati: ,

SharePoint Feidhmíochta — Cuardaigh (Ach Neamhghnách) Leid

Tá muid ag obair i tástáil ghlacadh úsáideora (UAT) timpeallacht a, i gcomparáid le forbairt, Is é marbh mall.

Tá sé an timpeallacht chasta ag baint úsáide as FBA, SQL 2008, SSRS agus iarratais gréasáin inrochtana sínte ar an idirlíon ag baint úsáide as https, mar sin tá sé deacair a rianú curtha síos ar an tsaincheist.

Do chliant roimhe, a úsáid le linn FBA le soláthraí ról LDAP (agus soláthraí ballraíocht). One of my colleagues, i bhfad níos cliste ná mé, determined that the "out of the box" Soláthraí ról LDAP, nuair a úsáidtear sa timpeallacht, wasn’t scaling well. To solve this problem for that client, he implemented a nice caching scheme in a custom role provider.

An staid seo an chuma den chineál céanna, so we looked into replicating that solution to the today’s client. As I was debugging that, Thug mé faoi deara go mbeadh an teachtaireacht seo le feiceáil go minic sa logáil Chóras (ó Viewer Imeacht):

A worker process with process id of ‘XXX’ serving application pool ‘Home – 80’ has requested a recycle because it reached its virtual memory limit.

Ghlac mé seo a chiallaíonn go raibh an linn snámha app athchúrsála i bhfad, i bhfad ró-mhinic agus go mbeadh a mhíniú fadhb feidhmíochta.

I looked at the app pool’s properties and its "Recycling" page showed that the property "Maximum virtual memory (i meigibheart)" had been set to true and had been set to 5000. That seems like enough, but I decided to unset the value and that had an immediate positive effect. No more app pool recycling. No more mysterious slow-downs and pauses.

I don’t really understand the underlying "stuff" sin ag dul ar aghaidh ansin, ach go soiléir go bhfuil roinnt de chineál ar chúis / éifeacht rud ag tarlú agus do anois, Is é an timpeallacht UAT inúsáidte.


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Clibeanna Technorati:

An bhfuil tú Léirithe Do Anailís Cuardaigh Míosúil?

Tá sé ina dhea-chleachtas, is dócha fiú Dea-Chleachtais, chun athbhreithniú a thuairiscíonn do chuardach uair sa mhí agus lorg deiseanna a chur ar gheallta is fearr, tune your thesaurus and maybe even uncover some business intelligence that is otherwise hidden to management.

It’s already the 3rd of the month. Time’s awastin’ 🙂


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Clibeanna Technorati:

Bainisteoir um Chosaint Sonraí: Dealraíonn Cosúil le Cúltaca SharePoint Breataine / Restore Réiteach

At the New Jersey SharePoint User Group meeting last night, Microsoft tSiúr. product specialist DuWayne Harrison presented Microsoft Data Protection Manager 2007. DuWayne was great (agus bhí sé tacaíocht trí cheann amháin nó dhá comhghleacaithe ón lucht féachana a n-ainmneacha Ní féidir liom cuimhne). You can get the presentation materials here.

Suas go dtí an oíche dheireanach, I have never heard of DPM.

I’m not a system admin type person, so I’m writing this from SharePoint consultant’s perspective and may get some of the words wrong. Chun liom, DPM is a backup/restore solution for Microsoft "stuff":

  • Files
  • SQL
  • O/S
  • Virtual machines (live backup of the VM, even if the VM itself is running Unix).
  • Bare metal recovery (i.e. catastrophic hardware failure).

Beyond that stuff, which I would consider to be minimal requirements for any kind of "real" backup/restore product, DPM also has built-in intelligence for SharePoint. It understands about server farms and lets you restore:

  • Entire databases (e.g. content, config, etc).
  • Site collections
  • Individual sites
  • Individual items (e.g. doiciméid).

The actual restore process involves extracting the target data from the backup and save it into a "restore farm" and then from there, moving it to the production environment (or wherever you want to restore). I think this is seamless, but there was a lot of emphasis on the need for a "restore farm". The restore farm does not need to match the production environment in every particular (mainly in physical topology) but does need to match in terms of templates, versions, etc.

I didn’t see a full end to end demo, but DuWayne did show screen shots and some live demos. It seems to be as good as it needs to be, at least for a moderate sized environment.

I was particularly struck by the pricing. Obviously, don’t hold me to this, but I believe that the most expensive pricing is roughly as follows (in USD):

  • $600 for DPM itself.
  • Hardware for a DPM server (and associated stuff for media and all that).
  • $450 for each server you want to back up ("enterprise" license).

A five server farm would cost at most:

  • $600 for DPM
  • $450 x 5 servers = $2,250

Total cost in licenses: $2,850

In practice, it would be less. You wouldn’t necessarily need to have DPM installed on each web front end, mar shampla. You don’t necessarily need enterprise licenses either.

The user interface is seems very simple probably would not require any special training to get up to speed. I did ask about that specifically and there is apparently a 1.5 day class available, though it’s not obvious to me that anyone would really need to take it.

All in all, I think it’s certainly worth investigating if you’re out there looking for a data protection solution for SharePoint.


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Clibeanna Technorati:
