Kategorija Arhiva: SharePoint

Brzo i jednostavno: Postavi hipervezu u podatkovnom prikazu Web-dio XSLT

UPDATE (01/17/08): Ovaj blog entry govori o više hiperveze XSL dobrote: http://www.sharepointsecurity.com/blog/sharepoint/sharepoint-2007-development/rewriting-links-in-search-results-xslt.

Pregled i cilj: I had created a simple bar chart to serve as component on a dashboard. I’ll save the details on building charts for another post, ali nisam izmislio tu tehniku (niti upitnik, u tom slučaju). It turned out there was a bug in the chart and while I fixed that, I took the opportunity to convert some labels into hyperlinks that pointed at the underlying list behind the graph. Na primjer, there is a label with value "Hold". I wanted to turn the label into a hyperlink so that the user could click on it and drill down to the specific entries in the list whose status value is "Hold".


  1. Use visual studio for sharepoint-aware intellisense.
  2. Copy the DVWP’s XSLT into visual studio (create a blank project, add an XSL file to the project).
  3. Copy the link you want to use into the clipboard.
  4. Paste it into the right location in the XSL.
  5. Convert URL argument separators on the query string from "&" to "&"
  6. Url-encode individual arguments.
  7. Wrap that inside an <href…> </a>


I have an URL:

http://[server]/[site]/Lists/Open Positions/AllItems.aspx?View={84EEA2F5-121B-40B7-946F-0FA704A1DAA1}&FilterField1=Recruiter&FilterValue1=Hold

I convert it into:

     <a href="Lists/Open Positions/AllItems.aspx?View={84EEA2F5-121B-40B7-946F-
0FA704A1DAA1}&amp;FilterField1=Recruiter&amp;FilterValue1=Hold"> Hold: </a>

I have manually transformed the first argument from:




(In this, the open brace transforms to { and the closing brace transforms to })

The second and third arguments’ parameters ("FilterField1=Recruiter" and "FilterValue1=Hold" respectively) do not need to be url-encoded because they do not contain any unsafe characters.


This technique should generally work anywhere you want to embed a hyperlink in XSLT where the hyperlink includes parameters on the URL such as:

http://[server]/[site]/Lists/Open Positions/AllItems.aspx?View={84EEA2F5-121B-40B7-946F-0FA704A1DAA1}&FilterField1=Recruiter&FilterValue1=Hold

I got the URL itself by accessing the custom list and manually filtering on the status column (labeled "Recruiter" gore).

Beagle je sletio (Listopad 2007 izdanje)

(To je zapravo malo stara vijest, ali kako mi je najdraži Vatrogasni moto naviješta, "Better late than never").

Pogledajte ga ovdje: http://www.sharepointbeagle.com/

Ako to već niste učinili, Forumu prijaviti.

Naravno, budite sigurni da pročitate moj članak about a real-world SharePoint project (uključujući i zahtjeve definiciji, KPI, vrste sadržaja, dashboards and more) as well as moj kolega je article about the content query web part.

Ima puno drugih dobrih stvari previše.

Kako ukloniti “Pogledaj sve sadržaje stranica” link

Ja sam pitao to pitanje gotovo svaki tjedan, obično u kontekstu rasprave sigurnosti. An administrator/site creator has provisioned a site, konfigurirati sigurnosni, arranged web parts and customized the quick launch to provide that oh-so-perfect set of options to the end user. Ali, iz kutije, you can’t remove the "view all site content" link.

Mark Wagner daje odgovor ovdje (http://www.crsw.com/mark/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=36). Njegov pisati-up je sjajan na dvije razine. To daje odgovor na pitanje, "How do I remove the View All Site Content" link? Tada, odgovorit će neposredno pratiti na pitanje: Kako jednostavno omogućiti prikaži sve veze web-mjesta na razini web-stranica osnovi sadržaj?

Kao bonus: Njegov pristup radi za WSS, ne samo MOSS.


Pretplatite se na moj blog!

Brzo i jednostavno: Konfiguracija Moss potražiti određenu biblioteku dokumenata

See UPDATE (Ja) below (11/24/07) na Kako konfigurirati Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 do sadržaja i puzati mapa na mreži za pretraživanje

Cilj: I want to execute a search restricted to a specific document library. U tom slučaju, Dokument Knjižnica sadrži dokumente trening.


1. Zabilježite URL biblioteci dokumenata.

2. Stvaranje opseg:

Idi na središnjoj upravi.

Pristupite SSP.

Go to "Search Settings".

Scroll down to the scope section and select "View Scopes".

Create a new scope. Give it a name and useful description.

3. Odredite pravila indeksiranja opseg:

Dodavanje pravila koja definira biblioteku dokumenata za ovaj djelokruga.

Select "web address" for "Scope Rule Type".

Unesite naziv mape (vidjeti #1 gore).

Accept the default value of "Include".

Pričekajte opsega za ažuriranje (ili ga pokrenuti ručno).

4. Omogućite opseg u zbirci web-.

Idi na zbirci web-mjesta na kojem želite koristiti ovaj opseg.

Dodajte svoj novi opseg na odgovarajući prikaz skupini ili skupinama.

5. Traži!

U ovom trenutku, you’re done. Assuming the scope is properly defined, to će biti dostupan u opsezima padajuće za jednostavnih i naprednih pretraživanja, a kada se traži koristeći taj opseg, ćete samo dobiti rezultate koje očekujete.


Napisao sam ovaj blog post, jer mi traži jednostavan opseg postavljanja okrenuo suhih koristeći izraze kao što su:

  • konfiguriranje opsege u MOSS
  • konfiguriranje mahovinu opseg pretragu
  • opsega u sustavu SharePoint 2007
  • opsega u sustavu SharePoint
  • pretraživanje biblioteka dokumenata mahovinu
  • Područja prva mahovine

Možete stvoriti doseg pretraživanja na mapi, not just the entire document library.

Opseg može se dijeliti na više zbirki web (stoga, a "shared service").

You can create the scope at the site collection level itself. Međutim, I prefer to go to central admin because I can start the crawl from there. You cannot start the crawl from the site collection.

UPDATE (Ja) od 11/24/07:

Kai Shang put together a great post entitled Kako konfigurirati Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 do sadržaja i puzati mapa na mreži za pretraživanje @ http://kaishenghoo.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!8A7458DB12CA5AC9!206.entry

Ne juha za vas! Je Cisco juha nacističke NLB proizvoda?

Danas, I tried to access a document library via windows explorer. This doc lib is living inside a system that consists of two WFE’s load balanced by some kind of Cisco NLB solution. (Ako / kada je mrežu čarobnjaci mi reći što je to, Ja ću ažurirati ovaj post).

Windows explorer couldn’t connect. I did some research and eventually, Mreža čarobnjaci rekao da WebDAV je onemogućio / Ne podržava / beneath the dignity of the NLB.

Tako, assuming the network wizards aren’t just telling me the network wizard equivalent of "take a long walk off a short bridge", Moram se pitati — ne NLB, po prirodi, onemogućiti WebDAV? Do we lose our windows file explorer interface to SharePoint? Is Cisco the Juha od nacista?

Upravljanje Moss / WSS okruženja — ukorak s Microsoftove baze znanja

Microsoft creates knowledge base articles day in and day out and some of those are darned important to know about if you live in the SharePoint world.

Držim do brzine s njima putem usluge koje pružaju dobre ljudi na www.kbalertz.com. KBAlertz enables you to sign up for your favorite MS technology and they send you digest versions of Microsoft KB articles via email.

Web aplikacija privatnosti, Sigurnost mjesta i sigurnosti Obrezivanje — Upoznajte svoju konfiguraciju

(NADOPUNJENO 11/29 objasniti kako pristupiti web postavke aplikaciju putem UI)

I had one of those "why is MOSS doing this to me????" moments today. Na kraju, sve je to moja krivnja.

We have an enterprise MOSS project going on and we want to secure "place holder" sites so that no user may access it or see it. That’s easy:

  1. Idi na licu mjesta.
  2. Razbijte nasljeđivanje sigurnosni.
  3. Uklonite svaki korisnik / grupa od mjesta dozvolama.

Gore navedeni trebali ostaviti samo administratoru zbirke web-mjesta s dozvolom da bi vidjeli site.

Ako netko drugi prijavljuje, oni više ne bi trebao vidjeti stranice i to bi trebao biti sigurnosno-obrezuje na svim uobičajenim mjestima.

Ali … nije bilo. Istovremeno, I suddenly realize that my "Joe User" standard user test account with no priv’s other than restricted read access has a "Site Actions" choice everywhere he goes. I double check one thing and double check something else. I pick up the phone to call a colleague, but put it down and check something else. I go for a walk and try everything all over again. I call a colleague and leave a message. And then, konačno, Smatram da je na Ethan blog, his opening graph makes it quite simple:

MOSS 2007 ima novu značajku pod nazivom Web Application Pravila. To su sigurnosne dozvole koji je vezan za web-aplikacija. Ove sigurnosne postavke nadjačati sve sigurnosne postavke koja je postavljena na mjestu zbirci ili Stranici (Tkanje) Razina za tog korisnika.

A quick visit to web application policies shows that "NT Authority\authenticated users" had been granted Full Read. I removed them from the list and everything finally started working as expected. I believe they were added in the first place by someone with the mistaken impression that that is best method to grant read access to everyone in the enterprise. It does, ali, naprezanje citat, "It does not mean what you think it means."

Access web application policies this way:

  1. Idi na središnjoj administraciji
  2. Odaberite aplikacija za upravljanje
  3. Select "Policy for Web Application"
  4. Na tom zaslonu, make sure you pick the correct web application. Za mene je, to je defaultno web aplikacije središnje admin koji ne može biti onaj koji želite.

Kad sam imala taj problem, Tražila sam sljedećih izraza i dobio iznenađujuće malo u smislu izravne pomoći po tom pitanju:

Akcije web vidljive za sve korisnike

Akcije web vidljivi svim korisnicima

licu mjesta radnje nisu sigurnosni obrezuje

osigurati MOSS stranice

Uvod u mahovine sigurnosti

Technorati Tags:

Brzo i jednostavno: Koristite Fiksni Pitanje Riječ za Search Results Temeljnih

Quick and Simple Instructions:

Edit a page and add a Search Core Results web part.

Edit that web part and expand "Fixed Keyword Query".

Add the fixed keyword query (e.g. ContentType:"Training invoice" TrainingInvoiceNumber:1111)

Expand Results Query Options and change "Cross-Web Part query ID" to a value other than "User Query" (e.g. "Query 2").


Using core search results in this manner allowed me to create a page that shows information from another site collection. The client has two major site collections: Departments and Products.

The product site collection contains, naturally enough, product information. Each product in the site collection aggregates data from multiple sources.

One of the departments, codes and testing, is on such source. When users access product XYZ, they should see codes and testing data directly on the XYZ main page. Since codes and testing is hosted in another site collection, it’s a little awkward. We decided to use the core search results web part since search spans site collections. Codes and Testing manages product data via a custom list that is constrained by a specific content type. Aa keyword query that uses first the content type and then the product number narrow down the search to a single row in the custom list.

The keyword query above is an AND. It returns documents of content type "Training Invoice" and where the invoice number equals "1111".

A nice benefit from this approach: We can edit the XSL from the core search results web part and generate any format that we want.

Vidi ovdje (http://devcow.com/blogs/jdattis/archive/2007/04/17/SharePoint_2007_How_to_Rollup_Content_from_multiple_Site_Collections.aspx) for another blogger’s discussion on this topic.

</kraj>Pretplatite se na moj blog.

Reci mi o svom blogu!

Ako održavati blog koji je barem minimalno spojen na SharePoint, please let me know in comments. I would love to add you to my popis blogova.

Ako održavati blog koji nije spojen na SharePoint, ali ja želim da ga dodate svejedno, javite mi. I’ll may create a separate blog list.

Molim Vas, dajte:

  • Vaš blog URL (očito)
  • Kratak opis bloga.

I want to keep the link to "active" blogovi, which I’m roughly defining as one post per week and minimum three months old. If you don’t meet that "requirement" add your name to comments anyway. It’s *my* list so I can break my own rule if I want to.


Zaposlenik raspored treninga i materijali predlošku — Snižavanja bug u predlošku

The client noticed a bug today with the above mentioned template.

Course managers create courses. When creating a course, the manager specifies maximum number of available seats.

The template provides for self-service enrollment. I enroll and a workflow attached to the registration list decrements the "available seats" associated with that course.

Individuals may also unregister from a course. The bug lies here. Unregistering from a course does not increment the available seats counter. Kao rezultat toga, available seats is not accurate. This bug is compounded by the fact that when available seats decrements to zero, no more self-service registration is allowed.

Fortunately, Microsoft provides the workflow for this process. Even better, it’s a straight-forward workflow created via SharePoint Designer.

Follow these high level steps to fix it:

  1. Fire up SDP.
  2. Access the site based off the training template.
  3. Access "Attendee unregistration" tijek rada.
  4. Insert these steps (I made them the first two steps):
    1. Calculate Courses:Filled Seats minus 1 (Izlaz na Varijabla:calc)
    2. (zatim) Update item in Courses

Click Finish and you’re done.

Screen shots:

SharePoint Designer:


Finished workflow:


Calculate drill-down:


Update item in Courses:
