Mea culpa — SharePoint Designer * * mogu stvoriti tijek rada stanja stroja

I’ve recently learned that it’s possible and even fairly easy to create a state machine workflow using SharePoint Designer. Necessity is the mother of invention and all that good stuff and I had a need this week that looked for an invention. Coincidentally, Naišla sam ovaj post MSDN forum kao. My personal experience this week and that "independent confirmation" lends strength to my conviction. I plan to write about this at greater length with a full blown example, ali ovdje je suština:

  • Pristup iskorištava činjenicu da tijek rada može promijeniti stavku popisa, thereby triggering a new workflow. I’ve normally considered this to be a nuisance and even blogged o korištenju semaphores to podnijeti.
  • SharePoint omogućuje više nezavisnih tijekovi biti aktivan protiv određene stavke popisa.

Da ga konfigurirati:

  • Osmislite svoj stroj državne (tj., navodi i kako navodi prijelaz iz jednog u drugi).
  • Provesti svaku državu kao zasebna rada.
  • Konfiguracija svaki od tih državnih tijekova rada izvršiti u odgovoru na bilo kakve promjene u stavku popisa.

Svaka država tijek rada prati ovaj grubi uzorak:

  • Nakon inicijalizacije, determine whether it should really run by inspecting state information in the "current item". Abort if not.
  • Do rad.
  • Ažurirajte "trenutnu stavku" with new state information. This triggers an update to the current item and fires off all the state workflows.

Osim očitih korist koja se može stvoriti deklarativnu tijek državnu rublja, sve to država informacija je sjajan za izgradnju KPI i zanimljivim pogledima.

Ona ima prilično značajan nedostatak — standard workflow history tracking is even more useless than normal 🙂 That’s easily remedied, međutim. Store all of your audit type information in a custom list. That’s probably a good idea even for vanilla sequential workflow, but that’s for another blog post 🙂

Zovem se ova "Mea Culpa" jer imam, nažalost, said more than once on forums and elsewhere that one must use visual studio to create a state machine workflow. That simply isn’t true.


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4 misli o „Mea culpa — SharePoint Designer * * mogu stvoriti tijek rada stanja stroja

  1. Jaustral pisao:
    Hi Pavao,
    Koliko navodi se bave? I only get to have two different active workflows when I go to the workflow settings page?
  2. Sanjeev radžput
    Stvarno bih voljela da pročitate cijeli primjere. Nadam se da je jedan od vas može pomoći razjasniti neke noćne more sam s mojim imaju sličan proces. Ja sam na mjestu gdje sam spremna početi od svježeg.
  3. Paul Galvin
    That’s a really interesting approach puts an exclamation point on the larger point that SPD can create state machine workflows.
    I don’t know if there are substantial differences performance-wise between what you outline and what I outline. In my case this week, izvedba nije problem, jer ovaj tijek rada je dugo-prikazivati ​​afera (16 ili više tjedana od početka do kraja) and there are never more than a few dozen active at any time. If there were a few dozen starting up and running every hour … that would be a different story. I think that performance and workflow in general is a very hazy subject.
    I don’t know if you run your own blog or not. If you do, you ought to consider writing about your approach in more detail. If not, I’d be more than happy to call you a "guest blogger" i uploadati svoj post na mom blogu.
    Hvala na komentaru. It’s one of the best I’ve been able to elicit on my blog!
    –Pavao G
  4. Mike Atkins
    Ja provodi državni stroj pomoću zasebne liste za održavanje stanja tijekom državnih prijelaza. The main workflow created an item here and set the initial state. I used a single, odvojen, workflow to handle all of the states, using an "IF-THEN-ELSEIF" struktura (in "Step 1") on the possible states.
    Za svaku državu, sve što je potrebno učiniti je dobiti odgovor od korisnika.
    My example was a multiple-level sequential approval, gdje je svaki korak (predstavljeni od strane države) could have various possible successors. This meant that each user had (potencijalno) different options made available in a choice menu. My "Step Two" was also an "IF-THEN-ELSE" struktura koja smatra sve moguće odgovora (na svim razinama), and then decided on what the next state should be. "Step 3" zatim postavite ta država, i tijek rada završio.
    Ova metoda ima (očigledan) Prednost događa unutar jednog (srednjim) tijek rada. Međutim, the scope of what could be accomplished in this workflow is more limited that one would have with workflows for each state. Bio sam zadivljen, međutim, kakav izvedbe hita odvija ako je sve pojedinačne državne tijek rada pokrene (iako je završio odmah nakon).
    Također, Koristim sekundarni popis (s vlastitim rada) to represent the transition between states as this process might be only part of a larger workflow. When the main workflow starts the state machine process, to ide u stanje čekanja, and proceeds when the "looping" has termintaed. I was also contemplating the possibility that my main workflow may well want to change data in the original List Item, and I wanted to avoid having unnecessary "firings" od rada državnog stroja.

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