Flokkaskjalasafn: HRATT

Komandi FAST Kynning, Miðvikudagur 01/28, Hádegi UTC

Ég ætla að gera í fyrsta sinn minn Online Kynning hýst af voldugu EMC markaðssetningu vél á 12:00 hádegi EDT á miðvikudag, 01/28. Ég hef ekki hugmynd um hvað ég á að búast við frá þessum, in terms of attendance. Hins, þar sem ég er leiðandi það, Ég get sagt þér hvað ég á að búast ef þú gera tími fyrir það.

I’m going to be describing what we here at EMC mean when we talk about "Enterprise Search." I’m distinguishing between regular old SharePoint Search (sem er alveg gagnlegt við sig) og Enterprise Search, sem er miklu stærra, nastier, áhugavert og perplexing vandamál til að leysa.

Ég ætla að gera þau rök að FAST er gott tól til að nota þegar reynt var að leysa Leita Enterprise vandamál (og ég gera nokkrar hliðstæður til skurður á meðan ég á það). This obviously ties into SharePoint and will be a part of the community’s fabric over the course of 2009 and beyond. That’s the hook for anyone reading my blog here.

Ef þú hefur áhuga á FAST, Ég held að þú munt finna nóg gagnlegar upplýsingar til að réttlæta þann tíma varið að hlusta á mig tala um það.

Það er markaðssetning kynningu, en öll af markaðssetningu efni er í lok, svo þú getur alltaf falla burt á þeim tímapunkti.

Voldugu EMC markaðssetning vél hefur veitt mér með skilti tengilinn, svo vinsamlegast nota það til að skrá.


Gerast áskrifandi að bloggið mitt.

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Skilgreina findability Vandamál

I had the good fortune of attending some partner training from FAST last spring. I was really impressed with the product and was looking forward to working with it. Því miður, one project fell through and then EMC acquired my company. Predictably, a certain amount of chaos ensued while we learned about EMC and EMC learned about us. FAST technology dropped a few points on the priority scale during that period. Hins, I never lost my interest in the product and, more interestingly, the bigger problem of findability.

I really don’t like that word, but I’m trying to get used to it 🙂 Despite it’s awkwardness, findability is a real (or at least, emerging) term. Do a live search if you’re interested in finding more technical definitions, but the way I explain it around the office is like this:

Intellectual capital that cannot be found may as well not exist.

It’s almost as true to say this:

Intellectual capital that cannot be found quickly and easily may as well not exist.

Intellectual capital (IC) starts as an idea in a person’s head and is then refined via collaboration with colleagues and interactions with various communities. To be truly useful, these resulting ideas must be recorded. This is where the trouble begins 🙂

Þessa dagana, recording normally means that the idea is documented in the form of an MS Word doc, Excel workbook, o.fl.. and eventually stuck in electronic format on a hard drive somewhere. IC obviously takes other forms like, like images, videos, highly informative blogs, Wikis … it’s impossible to list them all. Á sama tíma, IC is stored in a variety of places like file systems, databases, line of business applications (ERP, CRM, SharePoint, Documentum), o.fl..

This is the findability problem: how can quickly and easily find IC that is stored in dozens or hundreds of formats in dozens or hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands (dare I say hundreds of thousands) of locations in an organization?

It’s a difficult problem to solve. Bill English has been writing about findability from a very grand perspective in what I have come to think of as the Panama Canal approach. The history of the Panama Canal is amazing. In a nut shell, a crazy Frenchman (Ferdinand de Lesseps) started a private company to build the canal, the project was abandoned for some years, picked up again and finally finished by the American government under President Roosevelt. This reminds me of Bill’s approach because as he rightly points out, solving the findability is both hard and never stops. It took years and years of effort from the some of the hardest working humans on the planet to start, áfram, and finally finish). And yet, it’s still not truly finished. Eins og langt eins og ÉG vita, the canal’s banks have never met their angle of repose, meaning that they have to be shored up and otherwise maintained even to this day. Solving findability is the same way. I definitely recommend that you read Bill’s series and subscribe to his blog for his point of view on findability, particularly as it relates to SharePoint.

I too am interested in this problem. Due to my exposure to FAST and on-going discussions on this subject with my brilliant EMC colleagues, I have some more ideas I plan to write about over the coming weeks and months. In my next article on this little series, I’m going to try and put a box around the problem to show how awful it really is (it’s more awful than you think 🙂 ). It’s awful, but at least it does fit inside a box.


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Í sínum flokki FAST Þjálfun er Excellent

I’m starting day 4 of FAST’s partner training headed up by Larry Kaye here in Needham, MA.

This 5-day session is broken down into classes (3 og 2 days respectively) entitled "FAST ESP: Developing Custom Search Applications for Alliance Partners I" and "FAST ESP: Developing Custom Search Applications for Alliance Partners II".

This is a real boot camp type class. The material is deep (very, very deep). The instructor (Larry) clearly knows his stuff. I highly recommend this training if you considering it.


FAST SharePoint Sameining: Keyra einfalda fyrirspurn

This is a continuation in my FAST coding mini-series for SharePoint folk. The bit of code below executes a search for the term "test" in FAST via a Console application. Obviously, það er step, sleppa og stökkva í burtu til að vefja þessa rökfræði inni á vefnum hluta eða umsókn síðu:

með System;
með System.Collections.Generic;
með System.Linq;
með System.Text;
með System.Collections.Specialized;
með Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search;
með Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http;
með Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Navigation;
með Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Query;
með Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Result;
með Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.View;
með System.Collections;

namespace Conchango
    flokki InvokeSimpleFASTQuery
        truflanir ógilt Main(band[] args)

            #region Initialize our communication with FAST
            ISearchFactory searchFactory;

            NameValueCollection nameValueCollection =  NameValueCollection();

            nameValueCollection.Add("fastsearchengine", "Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http.HttpSearchFactory");
            nameValueCollection.Add("Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http.QRServers", "fastdemoback:15100");
            nameValueCollection.Add("Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http.RequestMethod", "GET");

            searchFactory = SearchFactory.NewInstance(nameValueCollection);


            #region Launch a query

            band queryString = "test";

            Fyrirspurn query =  Fyrirspurn(queryString);

            query.SetParameter(BaseParameter.CLUSTERING, ósatt);
            query.SetParameter(BaseParameter.NAVIGATION, satt);
            query.SetParameter(BaseParameter.NAVIGATION_DEEPHITS, 100);

            ISearchView searchView;
            searchView = searchFactory.GetSearchView("sharepointconn");

            IQueryResult result = searchView.Search(query);

            Console.WriteLine("Total results from search: [" + result.DocCount + "].");

            INT docCounter = 0;

            while (docCounter < result.DocCount)

                docCounter  ;

                IDocumentSummary thisDocSummary = result.GetDocument(docCounter);

                Console.WriteLine("[" + docCounter + "]: " + thisDocSummary.GetSummaryField("url").StringValue);

            } // while



It generates the following result:



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FAST SharePoint Sameining: Dæmi Code til að sýna allar Laus FAST Views

Here is some code that shows all available views from a HRATT server based on the named QRServer (the server process with which we communicate). I offer this up to give you all a taste of what it’s like to use the provided FAST API.

með System;
með System.Collections.Generic;
með System.Linq;
með System.Text;
með Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search;
með Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http;
með Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Navigation;
með Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Query;
með Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Result;
með Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.View;
með System.Collections.Specialized;
með System.Collections;

namespace Conchango
    flokki EnumerateFASTViews
        truflanir ógilt Main(band[] args)

            ISearchFactory searchFactory;

            NameValueCollection nameValueCollection =  NameValueCollection();

            nameValueCollection.Add("fastsearchengine", "Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http.HttpSearchFactory");
            nameValueCollection.Add("Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http.QRServers", "fastdemoback:15100");
            nameValueCollection.Add("Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http.RequestMethod", "GET");

            searchFactory = SearchFactory.NewInstance(nameValueCollection);

            Console.WriteLine("Total Views: [" + searchFactory.GetSearchViewList().Count + "].");

            INT i = 0;

            framhandleggur (mótmæla o í searchFactory.GetSearchViewList())
                Console.WriteLine("View [" + i   + "]: [" + o.ToString() + "].");




Note that I consider myself a barely competent C# programmer and I have thin skin, so don’t send any raspberries my way, especially re: the "foreach (object o in …)" construct 🙂


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Fljótur og SharePoint Sameining First Look

Ég hef verið heppinn að hafa tækifæri til að vinna á FAST <–> SharePoint sameining verkefni og hélt ég myndi halda áfram að deila Takmörkuð reynsla mín við samfélagið.

Microsoft er í í því að kaupa HRATT. I don’t know anything about the schedule except that it should be finished in the "2nd quarter" sem ég geri ráð leið við 06/30/08.

Verkefnisins míns hönnun, á mjög háu stigi, kallar að búa til nokkrar hluta vefur sem hafa u.þ.b. sama útlit, finnst og virkni eins og the staðall mosa leita kassi og algerlega Niðurstöður Web Part, but pulling from FAST. I’ve made some baby steps in that direction.

FAST is a dedicated search engine. It’s not based on Microsoft technology, þó það er augljóst að mér að sumir af the fljótur verkfræðinga greinilega skilja MS tækni (eða þeir hafa nýtt sér verktaka).


FAST er stór skrímsli framreiðslumaður vara (og ég meina ekki að í vondu skilningi; MOSS er stór skrímsli vöru til mín og). It appears to be based on Java and I noticed some apache stuff and maybe some PHP. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were other bits of tech mixed in here and there. It definitely runs on windows server and is working fine in the virtual environment which I’ve been using.

It makes use of a facade web service that crawls SharePoint content for indexing in its special FAST way.

A SharePoint end user would be pretty much at home with FAST’s user interface. It has simple/advance search, sýnir niðurstöður, er stór á mikilvægi (þó að ég sé ekki hvernig það annast félagslega gildi). Hins, it does go further. Its stemming seems better. I really can’t articulate it well but I’ll just say "it’s better." You can take my word for it, or not 🙂 I may elaborate on this point in the future, sem ég læri meira.


FAST provides a .NET-friendly DLL that provides an interface to the FAST engine. This makes it possible for us to create web parts or application pages or whatever we want to query FAST and present the results.

Það virðist vera þjónusta vefur tengi eins og heilbrigður.

I also have access to a FAST-provided web part that does integrate MOSS and FAST. I don’t know if this is a POC, something that was whipped up as a demo or what. It’s definitely a good learning tool, ekki svo viss um að ef það er framleiðslu-tilbúinn.

That’s it for now. As I progress through the project, Ég staða meira.


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Gerast áskrifandi að bloggið mitt.

Ákveða HRATT QRServer höfn

Til þess að samskipti við Fljótur Leita gegnum API, við þurfum að vita hafnar á tré QRServer er í gangi.

Ég fylgdi þessum leiðbeiningum til að finna það:

  1. Skráðu þig inn á the fljótur admin síðuna (http://server:port/admin).
  2. Sigla til System Overview.
  3. Locate "Search Dispatcher" og smelltu á Spyglass táknið:


  4. Ég notaði tókst gildi, 15100 for "Info Name" = "http":



1. Port 15100 appears to be the default out-of-the-box port number for the QRServer.

2. Notaðu þennan kóða svipaðar eftirfarandi að ræst tengingu við FAST:

     ISearchFactory searchFactory;
        NameValueCollection nameValueCollection =  NameValueCollection();
        nameValueCollection.Add("fastsearchengine", "Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http.HttpSearchFactory");
        nameValueCollection.Add("Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http.QRServers", "fastdemoback:15102");
        nameValueCollection.Add("Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http.RequestMethod", "GET");
        searchFactory = SearchFactory.NewInstance(nameValueCollection);

3. Ef þú velja stórlega rangt höfn, þú færð gagnlegar villuboð:


4. Hins, ef þú velur gátt skráð á yfirlitinu (15102) you don’t get that helpful error message. Staðinn, síðar þegar þú reynir að fá aðgang að þeim gögnum um leit eða vísa a fljótur útsýni, you get an error. Debugging shows that the searchFactory’s view count is zero. You’ll be given the message "Failed to fetch Search View List".


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