Quick Ábending: Nota “IsDocument:1” til snyrta Leitarniðurstöður

Uppfæra 11/03/08: Fellow MVP Mike Walsh bendir réttilega á að þetta er WSS 3.0 / MOSS feature. It does not work in WSS 2.0 eða fyrr.

Updatte 11/03/08: (Second uppfærslu á einum degi!): Be sure to read the excellent comment from "nowise" fyrir meiri upplýsingar og annað gott xref hlekkur.

Tvær spurningar komu upp í hraðri röð í þessari viku á MSDN umræðunum spyrja afbrigði af þessu:

"When I search a keyword, möppur frá bókasafninu skjal mínum með þessi leitarorð í slóð þeirra mun koma út fyrst í leitarniðurstöðum mínum. Ég vil ekki að gerast. Files with that keyword are more important to me. I don’t want to see folders at all."

This is actually quite easy to do out of the box. Simply add a "IsDocument:1" við leit og SharePoint leit (bæði WSS og MOSS) vilja takmarka sig til að sýna raunverulegt skjöl.


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4 hugsanir á "Quick Ábending: Nota “IsDocument:1” til snyrta Leitarniðurstöður

  1. Paul Galvin

    Sandeep, You probably figured this out weeks ago, here goes anyway…

    You don’t need to do anything special to enable security trimming. WSS 3.0 og Moss (any flavor) has security trimming built in and in fact, it cannot be turned off.

    As for the scope question, I don’t know. What you did sounds right ot me.

  2. Sandeep Abhyankar

    my actual requirement is that when a user searches with a keyword, the search results should contain content to which the user has access to. how do i enable this ‘security trim search results in moss’ ? or is it enabled by default?

  3. Sandeep Abhyankar

    Hæ Paul. i was looking for this for a long time. Ég er með spurningu. I am the admin for sharepoint site. Where do i add IsDocument:1 in sharepoint search? how do i get there? Also how do i change the query?
    iIenabled IsDocument to ‘Allow this property to be used in scopes’ from Shared Services Administration: SharedServices3 > Search Settings > Managed Properties and in Scopes, i added the rule IsDocument=1 for Property query.
    When i run the crawler, the ‘Item count’ for this rule in the scope says ‘error’. Where am i going wrong?

  4. nowisee skrifaði:

    You can also add contentclass to the search query. If you want to only search documents in document library’s you add "IsDocument:1 ContentClass:STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary" to the search query. This can be used to avoid getting hits on aspx pages and other non document library items.

    For a complete list of ContentClasses check Mark Anderson’s Blog


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