Google receperunt mea vive dolor Blog In Adsense elit

UPDATE: Ut de 03/09, I have found no way to integrate my live spaces account with Google Adsense. Microsoft’s system here seems to prevent all of the technical mechanisms that Google provides would-be adsense hosters. I tend to believe this is mainly a side effect of the security they’ve built into live spaces, not a direct effort to disable Adsense.

Hoc est non a SharePoint post, sed esset interest ad bloggers plerumque.

Someone commented on their Windows Live Spaces blog that Google affirmatively denied their application to participate in AdSense. She theorized that Google denied her because Windows Live Spaces hosts her blog. Autem, Ego nuper accepit in progressio meo vivunt spatia blog, ita consilium aut mutari vel Google negavit alia ratione.

Utique, Non videre manifestum ad integrare Google Adsense in meum vivunt spatium, but it’s a start 🙂


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7 cogitationes on "Google receperunt mea vive dolor Blog In Adsense elit

  1. Tang Jinsheng

    Quis messaged me, sed non sum permissus respondere ei??!!
    Usquam, sandbox mos install an email, embed <iframe><!–Referre aliam HTML file–></iframe>, quod etsi alius loco vestri Adsense Codicis HTML file (oportet publica accessble).

  2. Paulus Roberts

    Sed etiam HTML si haberem Google suscepit me et scandalum in eo codice iustus crustulum occurrit blank. Is vultus amo Ago Intervalla non accipitis <script></script> Codex cuneos. 🙁

    Nullam spatia ostendit qualis est in vita potes, sapit, sed ita scripta Nescio quid pauper Latin debent ad inferos, aut etiamsi bene operetur. 🙁

  3. Yusuf Demirag
    EGO postulo ut reperio a via ut Adsense de meo quoque livespace, aut ego postulo muto meus blog plene. Placet me cognoscere upcomming locus circa istum articulum.
  4. Rizky Wirastomo

    Et nunc? Successit in vobis vestri Adsense vivere spatium integrandi? Info requiro.. Me cogitabat uti spatio vivunt meo Adsense. Gratias.

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