SharePoint Shop Talk Thursday, 09/03 ad 12:30 PM EDT

Nos resumere SharePoint Shop Talk cras at 12:30 PM EDT. As usual, si illic es ullus illis locis quos vel quaestiones youd 'amo in panel ut sic ordiar conversus, please email them to

This week we are drawing a few questions from the Stump The Panel forums:

  • "Ego intelligamus a parente site et párvulus site communicare non possit. Puta, I would like to either push data from a list in a child site to a list in a parent site or have the parent site pull data from child site. Is there a way to design a workflow to accomplish having data sent for pulled from lists in a parent/child site relationship?"
  • “On my newform.aspx for my main list, I have a lookup column that points to the title column in my employee list.

    In the employee list, there is another column that is a checkbox named ‘active’.

    What I would like to happen is on the newform of the main list, when they click on the dropdown it only displays the records from the employee list that are marked active.

    Is there a way to filter the dropdown on the mainlist’s newform.aspx so it only displays the ones marked active?"

  • “I know this is simple but, for the life of me I can’t get it to work! We have a discussion board that we built a date field into call expiration. I would like to automatically have expired items delete after their expiration date. If you could send me a screen shot of the workflow it would be much appreciated. Basically if expired = today then delete current item “
  • “I am trying to set up a sign-up list for a blood drive, wherein once a time slot is chosen, it is no longer available. Is there a way to do this, besides just making an Excel-type spreadsheet be the sign-up? "

And if we have time:

  • How many SharePoint experts does it take to change a light bulb?

Praeter, we answer questions directly from email and we’re open to questions any time on the call itself.

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