Дали сте се спровел вашиот месечните Барај Анализа?

Тоа е добра практика, веројатно дури и со најдобри пракси, да се видат вашето пребарување извештаите еднаш месечно и да бараат можности да додадете најдобрите облози, tune your thesaurus and maybe even uncover some business intelligence that is otherwise hidden to management.

It’s already the 3rd of the month. Time’s awastin’ 🙂


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Една мисла на "Дали сте се спровел вашиот месечните Барај Анализа?

  1. Chris
    Does rebuilding your SSP count?
    No really, this is probably some of the best advice out there. The challenge is setting up best bests that are outside of your area of expertise. На пример, when you do a search for Project Management, I know that a good best bet would be the link to Project Web Access. Сепак, there are other areas that I have no idea what to include as a best bet. I would be interested in knowing how you’ve handled this with other clients. Do you allow end-users or department leads to submit content for consideration as a best bet?

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