Internet Explorer 8 Паѓа // 64 битни оперативни системи

A comment from Боб Фокс (преку Твитер, @ Bfox11b) ме потсети дека сум значеше да се фрли заедно брз блог запис опишување на проблемот и моето решение на Internet Explorer паѓа на мене цело време.

Пред неколку месеци, Добив нов лаптоп (Dell Vostro 1720). This is my first 64 bit machine and I was running 64 bit IE8. Со текот на времето, it started to crash unpredictably, but frequently (probably every day). It’s pretty agile at recovering from all that, but it was a real nuisance.

The problem seems to have been an adobe plugin, “Air” or their flash plugin – I don’t really know what it’s called or care all that much. It turns out that it’s not compatible with a 64 bit environment (which is *totally* reasonable; it’s not like 64 bit is the kind of thing that anyone except ***crazy*** companies want to support or anything). I tried to uninstall it but that experiment only lasted about 15 минути. It turns out that a ridiculous number of sites are using flash tech (I may be the last one to realize this on the planet). Така, I can’t live without it and I can’t use IE8 64 малку.

My answer is to switch to 32bit IE8. It’s been smooth sailing since then.


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