Положено моето 70-315 испит денес!

I passed the "Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET" испит денес во голема држава на Њу Џерси на преподобниот канцелариите на SolarTech во Hasbrouck висови.

I put this exam up there with BizTalk in terms of difficulty. You can’t fake your way through it.

Да учат, Јас се користи на MCAD / MCSD само интензивна обука комплет книга под наслов Развој на веб апликации со Microsoft Visual Basic. NET и Visual C #. НЕТ.

Мајкрософт упатства (тука) are exactly correct IMO. The book addresses everything and if you have a modicum or real-world experience, it should be a straight-forward exam. If not, take the time get some real world experience or at least execute the labs in the book. That will probably give you what you need.

Јас дури одат дотаму што за да се препорача книгата на про, especially self-taught people like myself. It covers some basic stuff which I just never had a reason to stumble upon in my travels and I’m kicking myself a little bit for never having taken the time to learn them.

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