MVP mogħtija għal SharePoint


Dalgħodu, Microsoft emailed tell me I taw l-għoti MVP Microsoft!

It’s a lot to take in all at once. When I’ve had a chance to properly reflect, I’ll share more of my thoughts on the whole thing. I know it’s a subject of great interest to a lot of people.

I’m bursting with excitement. The SharePoint MVP crew is a great group of men and women dedicated to building and expanding the community. I’ve only met a handful and look forward to meeting more and helping to expand and improve community resources over the coming year. It’s going to be a while ride…


8 ħsibijiet dwar "MVP mogħtija għal SharePoint

  1. Chris
    Congrats dwar l-għoti! Inti jixirqilhom dan bħala I issib xi ħaġa interessanti fil-blog tiegħek kważi kull ġimgħa!
  2. Sundar Rajan
    Paul Galvin,
    Congratulations Hearty biex wieħed isir MVP. You verament jistħoqqilhom li.
    I think tiegħek huma ogħla kontributur għall MSDN forums Sharepoint b'aktar minn 1800 posts and nearing 4 star.
    Bniedem ħidma kbira.
    Żomm il-ħidma kbira li jmorru !
    Grazzi & Iqis,
    Sundar Narasiman
  3. Michael
    Hi Paul,
    Kulmin li blogs kemm inti tagħmel u kważi 1800 entrati fuq il-forums MS definittivament jistħoqqilha l-għoti MVP. Congrats.

Ħalli Tweġiba għal y Tariq Younas tikkanċella risposta

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