Arkivji tal-Kategorija: Blogging

Għall-Blog jew Mhux għall-Blog - Dan huwa l-Mistoqsija (għall-Blog About)

Innota: This was originally posted to

A few weeks ago I had the chance to speak at SharePoint Saturday in New York. Għal darb'oħra, a tremendous event. Din id-darba, I spoke about “learning SharePoint” – a very broad topic. During the presentation (which you can get here), I talked about a variety of techniques for “learning” SharePoint, including stuff like book learning, class room training, creating your own VM and most importantly (lili), community participation. One way to participate in the SharePoint community is via blogging. Someone asked me about blogging in particular and asked my opinion on a few concerns he had that I’ve heard others mention before. It’s been itching at the back of my head for a few weeks so in my usual fashion, I’m scratching that itch by blogging about it.

Some people seem to think that there are so many quality bloggers out there on the scene today and that so many quality blog entries have been written that in a sense, there’s nothing new to write about. Jew, the “new” thing is so narrowly focused that it’s not going to be interesting to anyone. I don’t agree with those sentiments or the underlying assumption about them.

For starters, if you’re blogging because it’s part of your personal attempt at learning SharePoint well, it’s really irrelevant if someone has written on your topic or not. One of the drivers behind community participation, whether it’s for personal learning or not, is that you need to get it right. No one wants to put up some weak blog entry and look silly in front of the world. In the course of getting it right, you’re going to think the subject through more carefully, eċċ. Thus, you’re thinking, studying and considering this topic from all kinds of angles, left to right, up to down, inside and out (or at least you should be). That’s a very valuable exercise. Fil-fatt, it’s almost beside the point of pushing the “post” button by the time you finish writing it since you’ve already derived much of the benefit by now. Of course, you do want to push the post button anyway for a variety of reasons, but I digress. The bottom line is that blogging is a valuable learning exercise in and of itself, period.

I also reject the “it’s already been done” argument. So what if it was? The terrible consequence is that people who are looking up your topic via bing will now find two or five or a dozen articles. Who cares? I always prefer to find several articles on the same topic when I go searching the tubes for stuff. Different points of view, different writing styles, different approaches to the same problem – they all help me understand what I need. In my opinion, the community is no where close to reaching a saturation point on good quality blog articles on any topic in the SharePoint world.

Allura, blog away! You won’t hear me complaining about it. I guarantee it 🙂


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

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Windows Live Spaces u Twitter Kontra

I kien DM'd messaġġ mill twitter llum u ħsibt I d blog ir-risposta.

Il-kwistjoni hija: "Hey Paul, wieħed quick għalik,kif ma ikollok il-counter twitter fl-ispazju ħajjin tiegħek bħala l-kodiċi iskrittura tkun imblukkata meta salvati Thx "

Jien għamilt dan billi żżid widget html tad-dwana biex tiegħi live paġna spazji u jużaw l-snippet kodiċi ftit:

<a href=" /?username = Imħaded" 
 titolu="TwitterCounter for @pagalvin"> 
 <img src=" / kontro /?username = Imħaded" 
 qodma="TwitterCounter for @pagalvin">

Dan juża verżjoni tal-twitter counter interface widget li gets passat il-twieqi ħajjin jiċċensuraw ħaġa li aħna kollha mibegħda tant u jixtiequ se tikseb każ ħażin ta 'ivy velenu.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

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Griping dwar Windows Live Kontroll Kumment

I picked windows live spaces back in July of 2007 as my blogging platform. For the most part, I don’t have any regrets and Microsoft certainly extends it over time (though I mainly find out about new features by accident).

My biggest complaint right now is blog spam. This person / account ( (among others) frequently adds a lot of spam comments to my blog in the form of comments. MSFT added a nice feature to show “recent comments” so at least I can fairly quickly identify them (whereas before, I had to go into each blog entry separately) and clean them up. It’s still time consuming.

I wish that:

  1. MSFT would put some better filtering for spam.
  2. That I could block specific people from adding comments.
  3. Failing the above, I could more easily identify and delete spam. Right now, I need to do it comment by comment and it’s slow, especially when some spam robot person/program adds 25 li 50 comments in one session.

If you’re a windows live user and have some useful tricks to share, I’d be grateful.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Follow lili Twitter fi

Qari Permezz 1,000 Entries blog 3 Ġimgħat huwa simili jaraw mitluf Staġun Erba b'mod Weekend

Dan is-sajf passat, I filwaqt li kien qed jaħdem fuq żewġ kapitoli għall- ktieb aħjar computing soċjali SharePoint qatt, I began to get very far behind in my blog reading. I use Google Reader for my RSS stuff and when you have more than 1000 oġġetti unread, hija biss jgħid, "1000 ".

Matul l-aħħar ftit ġimgħat, Stajt ġiet bilqiegħda u sistematiku qari tagħhom u l-immarkar bħala mmur għal referenza futura (I użu

Dan il-weekend passat I jaraw kollha ta 'mitluf, istaġun erba fi ftit ta 'seduti u qbid fuq 1000+ blog entries iħoss l-istess mod.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

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Just Meta jien About Itfi Comments …

They pull me back in!

Windows Live Spaces doesn’t do a good job protecting me from comment spam. I assume MSFT has good spam detection, but that the spammers are better. The fact remains, madankollu, that I get far more spam comments than I get real comments and I was just thinking in the last week or so that I was going to disable comments.

Madankollu, llum, I found two excellent comments in response to din il-kariga (about Limited Access) u din il-kariga (about limiting search to documents, as opposed to folders). Those comments are so complementary (in that they add a lot of value to my post), I can’t see disabling comments and thereby closing off that avenue of useful information. Allura, I’ve resigned myself to being a human spam catcher / cleaner. Live spaces does provide a pretty decent way to clean up comments, but who wants to waste time doing that?


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Follow lili Twitter fi

New Blogger fuq il-Blokk

My EMC colleague, Erik Swenson, has been persuaded to jump in the fray, stand up u jingħaddu 🙂

He blogs about about a wide variety of SharePoint branding topics at Some of his recent posts include interesting stuff about Photoshop, Microsoft Office Live for small business, SharePoint Governance, creating custom WCM styles and so forth. He does not confine himself to branding. It’s quite an interesting mix which is a little bit different from a lot of the SharePoint blogs with which I’m familiar.

His RSS feed is:

Check it out and give him a little encouragement. We all need that from time to time, especially when we first really dive into this blogging world.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.


Jekk int ma ppruvaw Twitter …

Twitter is a very odd duck. I’ve been using Twitter for a little over a month and in some indefinable way, it’s almost as important to me as email. I find myself vaguely unsettled if I wait too long before looking over what others are twittering about. I get annoyed at Twitter’s occasional performance problems because it means I’m missing out. I get a little puff of excitement when I see a new Woot announcement.

Huwa bennej komunità reali b'mod li verament jikkomplementa blogs u forums u anke wiċċ personali għal laqgħat wiċċ.

Fl-aħħar xahar, Stajt segwita tentattivi persuna waħda fiż tħawwad kiesaħ waqt li jipprova li jamministraw Seder.

I’ve learned personal detail about many folks I mainly "know" permezz ta 'blogs — fejn jgħixu, it-tip ta 'proġetti li jaħdmu fuq, li dawn ikollhom xogħol / kwistjonijiet tal-familja biex jamministraw bħad me.

Omm ta 'persuna waħda ħalliena … a sad event for sure. But sharing that fact changes and enhances the character of the whole experience.

Li jinsab biss l-għalf personali.

There’s more to it than that. It’s also another medium for sharing ideas, jew aktar spiss I think, seeking help. Throw a question up on Twitter and you’re never left hanging and the responses typically arrive within minutes.

Jekk inti ma ppruvaw, you should really give it a go.

Ħares me up fuq

Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.


Blogging Guest?

It seems fairly common in the political blogging world for a given blog to host a "guest blogger". When I’m in political blog land I must be wearing a different pair of eye glasses because it never occurred to me that "guest blogging" might make sense for a technical blog like mine. That is, until I read this post by Kanwal Khipple over at The Best of SharePoint Buzz- Jannar 2008.

Thinking on it, I believe there could be a lot of people out there in SharePoint land that have the itch to put together an article, short or long, technical or more business oriented, eċċ, but don’t run their own blog for all the usual reasons. If you’re one of those people, I’d be happy to host it. You can reach me via email or leave a comment. I haven’t thought through any kind of guidelines, but I suppose that I’d want it to be oriented around SharePoint, but I also like to throw in some personal observations about consulting now u imbagħad. I’m also trying to publish a "IL-ĦADD Funny" every week and I’m bound to run out of ideas for that.

If you’re a regular blogger already but would like to experiment with guest blogging, I’m definitely open to that too, either as a host or a guest 🙂



Thinking About Nibdlu Pjattaforma Blogging

I started off my "blogging career" using Microsoft’s platform and it’s been good to me. It’s easy to post, there are good options and widgets for managing your "space", ħażna web deċenti u oħrajn.

Madankollu, I really just fell into the MS solution with almost no planning. That alone calls for me to evaluate where I am and where I’m going, in terms of a blogging platform. There are also two important limitations that bother me right now vis-à-vis Windows Live Spaces.

Ewwel, I can’t get very good statistics. There are stats but the detail is often truncated and not presented in a way that allows for any kind of analysis. There no sorting or export capability. I get many blog ideas based on the kind of information people find (jew speċjalment jonqsu milli jsibu) when they search my blog. It’s very hard to use lives spaces for that.

Tieni, there does not seem to be any mechanism to "monetize" a windows live space blog. Fil-fatt, sabiex jeħles ta 'reklami SM (minn fejn I jieħdu ebda vantaġġ), I need to actually pay Microsoft. (Mill-inqas, li kif I jifhimha; I ma setgħux jiksbu tweġibiet definittivi għal dan u mistoqsijiet bhalu).

Issa li stajt ltqajna mudell stabbilit u sett ta 'drawwiet blogging, I want to evaluate other options. I’ve done some research and there are a lot of choices, imma jien kurjużi dwar liema nies oħra, partikolarment oħrajn fil-komunità SharePoint (kif bloggers jew qarrejja), like to use.

Jekk dan jinteressak suġġett li inti u inti għandek opinjoni jew huma lesti li jaqsmu l-esperjenza tiegħek, jekk jogħġbok leave kumment jew email lili direttament.


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