Category Archives: SharePoint

A Dwejjaq Little trasferita 'l quddiem…

SP2010 huwa Jittieħed ħafna jibred, imma nixtieq li kieku kienu aġġustati il-lingwa fuq il-lista u l-paġni settings libreriji meta niġu għall-kontenut ta 'tipi ta' ġestjoni:


L-istess lingwa kienet teżisti għall WSS / MOSS.  Just jibdlu l-kelma "ħassar" għal "tneħħi" u se biss sempliċi jagħmel aktar sens.

Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

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Artikolu Ġdid, "SharePoint Mastering”

My latest article for is up and kicking here:

Hawn teaser:


Dan huwa bażikament verżjoni pretty qasir u ikkondensat tar-aktar popolari preżentazzjoni pubblika tiegħi dwar "Fuq biex Tgħallem SharePoint."  Nru ċajt Banjo, madankollu.



Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

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SharePoint On Line // BPOs - Xi idejn fuq esperjenza

(Innota: F'dan l-artikolu kien cross-stazzjonati hawn:

Aġġornament 09/01/09: Ibbażat fuq ir-rispons twitter, I need to clarify that InfoPath is supported in the sense that BPOS provides forms libraries. What I mean when I write "not supported in any way" is that InfoPath forms services functions are not supported. That means that you can’t publish an InfoPath form to BPOS and and have it render in the web browser. It also means that some out of the box workflows, li użu InfoPath (anki fil MOSS edizzjoni standard) don’t work in BPOS because their initiation and other forms use InfoPath. Hopefully that clears things up.

I kellhom iċ-ċans li verament ħaffer joffru Microsoft Online aktar kmieni din is-sena u partikularment tal suite produttività online (BPOs). This came along before I even hard a firm plan to set out on my own at Arcovis. I immediately saw, madankollu, li BPOs tista 'tkun parti ewlenija tal-infrastruttura interna tal-kumpannija tiegħi u maż-żmien, it has become exactly that. Arcovis, uses it on a daily basis. I thought I’d share some of that experience from a practical perspective in case you want to evaluate it for yourself or are just curious about it.

Peress li l-kelma "suite" fl BPOs jimplika, ikollok sorra żgħir ta 'applikazzjonijiet:

  • Skambju
  • Laqgħa Live
  • Communicator
  • SharePoint

Tista 'tixtri kull wieħed minnhom separatament, I believe. It’s all spelled out relatively clearly on the Microsoft sit online. You may be able to get better deals through MSFT partners. Arcovis has been working with Strateġiji Cloud u dawn jidhru li jafu Jittieħed tagħhom, so I d jinkluduhom fil-lista tiegħek ta 'bejjiegħa jekk inti tagħmel tfittxija multi-bejjiegħ.

I tiddeskrivi l-esperjenza tiegħi u ħsibijiet għal kull wieħed minn dawn rispettivament.


Dan huwa ambjent ospitat skambju u mill-perspettiva tiegħi, it works like any other Exchange server I have ever used. It’s fully integrated with all of my fellow Arcovis partners’ environments and gives me access to the calendar (li huwa enormi). Good stuff.

Huwa jipprovdi wkoll il Outlook Web Access (OWA) interface. That means I can get my email on any machine that has a web browser.

My mowbajl HTC, running Windows Mobile 6.1(?) connected to it nicely via Active Sync. It did this in exactly the way I expected and wanted.

Ma nqisx lili nnifsi ħafna aktar minn prospetti każwali u utent iskambju għalhekk jista 'jkun hemm fatturi Skambju verament importanti li biss mhumiex appoġġjati u jien ma neċessarjament jaf li.

I think the strongest recommendation I make for this is that I am completely unaware that my exchange environment is “somewhere else.” I don’t know see any difference in Exchange and how I use it on a daily basis versus the half dozen or so other times I used someone’s exchange environment. Fil-fatt, dan huwa aħjar għaliex sempliċement xogħlijiet.

Bottom line - ospitat skambju huwa dak li jeħtieġ li jkun u jien kuntent ħafna miegħu.

Laqgħa Live

This is a truly indispensible tool when you’re in the consulting business. I fire up instant live meetings several times a week to show intermediate work product to clients, li tarahom jiksru soluzzjonijiet tiegħi hekk li I taf kif jiffissaw għalihom, jagħmlu preżentazzjonijiet bejgħ, eċċ. Live meeting is bundled with BPOS and it’s very easy to use.

I’m even less of a live meeting expert than I am on exchange. Madankollu, għal skopijiet tiegħi, huwa kbir.


S'issa, I use communicator almost only for presence information. I say “only” but have that presence data available to me whenever I’m connect has become addictive. With communicator installed and running, kollegi tiegħi jafu meta jien disponibbli, dak iskeda tiegħi huwa simili f'dan il-mument, u jistgħu IM me (għalkemm l-interface IM hija pjuttost matt, fl-aħjar). It’s one of those things that I really miss when I don’t have it. I actually get a little annoyed when my colleagues aren’t running communicator because the presence information is missing.

The presence indicator feels pervasive. It shows up in SharePoint whenever their name appears as an author to a document, assenjat kompitu, eċċ. It shows in email, embedded right in outlook. It shows up in the communicator client itself.

For the most it just sits there running in the background and decorates my outlook and SharePoint screens with real-time presence information. It’s very cool.


Bit favorit tiegħi, tal-kors, is SharePoint.

BPOS provides a modified version of MOSS standard edition. I’ll explain “modified” below. We’ve been using our BPOS SharePoint portal for stuff like:

  • Informazzjoni Marketing
  • Bejgħ (proposti, jwassal traċċar) -> nagħmlu pjan biex jinvestu fil-soluzzjoni CRM iżda għal issa, SharePoint qed taħdem kif CRM soluzzjoni tagħna.
  • Msieħba u l-klijent kuntatti
  • Fittex
  • Informazzjoni tal-proġett Klijent
  • Billing (prinċipalment għall-ħażna fatturi tagħna)
  • Diskussjonijiet
  • Soluzzjonijiet prototipi
  • Bini out siti ta 'dimostrazzjoni (e.g. ġdid kiri ġestjoni tal-proċess HR)
  • Time sheets
  • Kollaborazzjoni dokument

Bażikament, l-għalf youd jistennew li jużaw SharePoint għal.

Tul it-triq, aħna jużaw fatturi tekniċi bħal:

  • Allerti
  • SharePoint Designer
    • Flussi tax-xogħol
    • Branding
  • Kontenut ta 'tipi
  • CQWP
  • Dokument libreriji bil-kontroll verżjoni
  • Listi Custom għat-tipi kollha ta 'affarijiet (bħal time sheets tagħna)
  • jQuery (u l-goodness li tista 'toħroġ minn dan, inklużi sejħiet Ajax għal servizzi web SharePoint)

Dak li ma nista 'tagħmel dan? There are a bunch of things that would be nice:

  • I cannot provide anonymous access. Fil-fatt, i don’t think I can do that for any price. I could be wrong, jew nisperaw MSFT se tbiddel dan fil-futur.
  • Nru InfoPath ta 'kull tip.
    • Dan għandu l-effett sekondarju ftit stramba ta 'timblokka workflows ftit MOSS standard li jiddependu fuq InfoPath.
  • No server side code. That means, fost affarijiet oħra:
    • Ebda riċevituri avveniment
    • Ebda azzjonijiet custom disinjatur SharePoint
    • Ebda tipi ta 'oqsma tad-dwana
    • Nru SDLC xierqa (I.E. karatteristiċi / soluzzjonijiet).
    • Ebda aċċess għall stsadm
  • No access to a shared service provider.
    • The last bit is a little sad because we can’t do as much search configuration I would like.

      Inti bażikament tagħti up a lott ta 'kapaċità teknika u huma sfurzati li jgħixu fil-konfini ta SharePoint funzjonalità out-of-the-kaxxa.

      I can live with that. I have found myself wanting to slap together an event receiver or use a custom action once or twice,, iżda għall-parti l-kbira, I ma avviż-nuqqas.

      I should add that this is not a comprehensive list of the differences between a hosted “on prem” MOSS environment and SharePoint on line. Cloud Strategies has a very detailed presentation that goes into all that if you’re interested. I’m speaking from the perspective of a business owner leveraging the tool.

      Faċilità ta 'Użu

      Microsoft tipprovdi applikazzjoni desktop nifty li tippermetti aċċess rapidu u faċli għall-funzjonijiet kollha BPOs:


      Inti ma għandekx bżonn li jużawh, iżda telimina l-ħtieġa għall-log f'kull wieħed mill-applikazzjonijiet separatament u għal-laqgħa live, Huwa pjuttost sbieħ għaliex inti tista 'tagħmel "jissodisfaw issa" sessjoni ma biss 2 klikks (wieħed fuq il-"web conferencing" buttuna fuq u ieħor fuq il-web browser li pops up). It’s also nice to get OWA with one click, għalkemm inti tista 'biss jitqiegħed li Favourites browser tiegħek kif ukoll.

      The other major advantage with this desktop application is that it provides a background kind of single sign on service. As long as this is running in the background, I tista 'tiftaħ web browsers u qabbad lill-ambjent BPOs tiegħi mingħajr qatt bżonn li jidħol kredenzjali.

      Żvelar sħiħ

      Microsoft made BPOS available to me for free so I am not currently paying the monthly per user fee at this time. Madankollu, Nara valur hemmhekk u inti tista 'taċċetta fuq il-fidi (jew le) that I would pay for this service. The fact is that I can’t count on Microsoft providing this for free forever and it’s become so strongly integrated with my business that moving … the mind quails.


      BPOS is an insanely feature rich platform. Skambju, SharePoint (MOSS Standard!), preżenza, laqgħat ħajjin instant - huwa ħafna ta 'funzjonalità li nixtieq sorely, sorely miss if I had to live without it. My business would be severely impacted without it. Could I find replacement functionality? Probably, iżda naħseb I jkollhom cobble dan flimkien minn varjetà ta 'bejjiegħa oħra, complicating my life. BPOS has so far proven itself to be stable and reliable. For the right kind of customer (bħal kumpanija tiegħi), BPOs min konsiderazzjoni b'saħħitha.


      Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

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      Effiċjenti Segwi Microsoft SharePoint (u oħrajn) SharePoint Forums

      I ġew wara forums MSDN għal iktar minn sena (u possibilment kważi 2 snin f'dan il-punt) and every now and then I hear from someone how “hard” it is to do that. I find it quite easy and thought I’d share my “technique”. This technique also works for (

      Teħid MSDN bħala eżempju, I l-ewwel imorru għall-paġna forum standard bħall-Mistoqsijiet ġenerali għall-paġna prinċipali SharePoint hawn:

      Għandek dritt bogħod tinnota li l-forums huma RSS ppermettiet, kif muri:


      I kont qed tuża Google Reader għall-ġestjoni RSS feeds tiegħi għal żmien twil issa ( / qarrej). I go there, add the RSS feed for the forum and now I’m getting all new forums posts via RSS. My Google feeds for SharePoint forums look like this:


      Google jipprovdi me ħsieb sbieħ ta 'l-istazzjonar innifsu:


      U finalment, Google tikri me jużaw il-keyboard biex iscroll permezz l-assenjazzjonijiet fil-fora b'dan il-mod.

      I tista 'malajr scan permezz postijiet u tiffoka biss fuq dawk inħoss I jistgħu jagħmlu kontribut utli.

      Alerts close the loop. Updates to posts don’t come through RSS (għalkemm naħseb huma użati għal żmien twil ilu). Madankollu, jekk I post risposta għal forum kollokament, the forums alert me via email and IM that someone responded in turn. Jew, jekk I ma jistgħux jagħmlu kontribut utli imma nixtieq li tkun taf dak li oħrajn jgħidu, I jistgħu drill fis dan u titlobx espliċitament allerti meta oħrajn do jirrispondu.

      Fl-siegħa jew inqas inti tista 'dan il-proċess up u u fil-ġimgħa ta' użu regolari, jitgħallmu l-tricks varji u shortcuts tastiera sabiex din issir tieni natura.

      I use the exact same technique for End User SharePoint.Com’s “Stump the Panel” forums. This is their RSS feed:

      Forums huma mod biża, possibilment l-aħjar mod qasir ta 'esperjenza personali diretta, ta 'tagħlim l-prodott u jkollna stħarriġ sbieħ ta' kif id-dinja, in ġenerali, uses SharePoint. Give it a try!


      Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

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      Il-governanza hija Pjan Marketing Too

      Ir-raġuni aħna jqattgħu daqstant ħin (jew jekk, xorta waħda) working out governance plans is because we want the SharePoint solution to be as effective as possible. We want good infrastructure and rules to keep it humming and safe in case of disaster. We want good security processes to both properly secure the environment but also make it reasonable to manage. We want a good information architecture that will stand the test of time, ideally managing to survive a major organizational change in the company.

      Biex jinkiseb dan l-għan mixtieq, dokument governanza u pjan jista jiddevolvu fis mazz ta '"thou għandu" u "thou m'għandhomx tal-", kif fil-:

      • Thou m'għandhomx joħolqu grupp sigurtà SharePoint; użu AD minflok.
      • Thou m'għandhomx joħolqu folders fil-libreriji dokument; użu kontenut ta 'tipi u l-fehmiet minflok.
      • Thou għandhom joħolqu tipi kollha ta 'kontenut dokument bbażata off tip speċifiku bażi custom.
      • Thou m'għandhomx joħolqu tassonomija informazzjoni bbażata off chart lum org kumpanija.

      "Thou għandhom" u "thou m'għandhomx" ċertament għandhom il-post tagħhom fil-pjan ta 'governanza.

      A more successful governance plan will also have a strong marketing angle. It should sell and justify itself to the maximum extent possible. A truly successful governance plan relies upon the voluntary cooperation of all SharePoint users. (Hemm każijiet marġinali fejn il-kooperazzjoni Komunitarja mhux meħtieġa, bħal meta SharePoint hija użata minn numru żgħir ħafna ta 'utenti ġestiti sewwa; I’m sure you can think of others). If the user community doesn’t buy into your governance plan then it will be partially successful at best.

      I use that word “buy” deliberately. The community will buy the governance plan if it’s fundamentally sound and you go to some effort to sell them on it. Selling leads to marketing and that’s why I think that a governance plan should be considered a marketing plan too. Convince your end users that they need to follow the governance plan and they will voluntarily follow it. If you can get a critical mass of people following the governance plan then the plan’s benefits follow and you’ll have a stronger environment for it.


      Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

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      Bl-użu MSDN (u oħrajn) Forums għas-Sostenn SharePoint

      I tista 'tikteb fuq fit-tul kbir dwar forums MSDN, etikett, ismijiet konvenzjonijiet, tfittxija, eċċ. I may do that, fil-fatt. I wanted to point out a small thing which may help people have a better overall experience.

      Stajt ġiet dan l-aħħar tinforma lin-nies li jekk inti tmexxi fis xi tip ta 'problema ma l-ambjent SharePoint tiegħek, proġett ta 'żvilupp jew attività oħra relatata SharePoint, post a question to the forums earlier in your action chain rather than later. I know for myself that when I have a problem, a number of potential solutions present themselves right away. I order these potential solutions in terms of likelihood, applicability and how easy they are to investigate. I go through that list and by the time I’ve gotten to #10, Jien tagħmel bidliet reġistru ma 'kodiċi "/ foo / bar / almostThere / isThisIt / noThisIsNotIt / iCantBelieveIAmDoingThis / finallyThere!"Fuq il-parir ta 'blog tinstab fuq paġna 8 of a Google search. When that doesn’t work, I finalment post kwistjoni għall MSDN (e.g. hawn:

      I suggest that you reverse that approach. Post the forums much earlier in your investigation because:

      • Huwa ħieles lilek xorta.
      • M'hemm l-ebda SLA garantit (li jien konxju, inqas).
      • Għalhekk, hija tista 'tieħu żmien twil għall-persuni li jirrispondu.
      • Nies spiss do jirrispondu eventwalment.
      • Jekk int stenna sakemm 2 jew 3 jum wara l-ewwel problema asfaltati, int frantic għal rispons u forums mhumiex post tajjeb għall-għajnuna ta 'emerġenza (sakemm int xortik tajba).

      Allura, bażikament, huwa faċli u ħieles u inti għandek xi sparatura tajba fil jkollna xi tip ta 'tweġiba, iżda se tieħu filwaqt li tikseb din ir-risposta (darb'oħra, sakemm int xortik tajba).

      I used to think that I should hold off on looking for community help because I don’t want to waste someone’s time asking for help when I could find it out myself. Some forum moderators and active participants may feel that way, imma jien ma (inqas, I ma jħossux li mod aktar). I don’t see any downside. The worst case is that you post a question and then answer it yourself some time later, possibly “wasting” some one’s time. I don’t see a big risk in that and there’s value in the researching of questions like that in any event.


      Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

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      Previżjonijiet SharePoint għall 2009

      Stajt taqra retrospectives ftit fuq 2008 and this has got me to thinking about 2009. Here are my guesses at the future of SharePoint in 2009.

      Disclaimer Żgħar

      Jien MVP SharePoint u bħala riżultat, I sometimes get a little advance information before it’s public. I am NOT making any such information public. I really haven’t been around long enough to be entrusted with that kind of stuff anyway.

      With that out of the way, on to the predictions …


      I believe that FAST will become a very hot topic in 2009. It’s already well known in the enterprise search community. Madankollu, everyone that plays around with SharePoint in 2009 will soon be interested in this product and what it can do for them. New consulting companies will spring up around it and existing partners will work and scramble to add it to its portfolio. This time next year, almost everyone in the SharePoint community will have heard of and have an opinion about FAST.

      FAST is targeted at large companies and that will continue. I think there’s at least an outside chance that Microsoft will release a more focused version of the product that is accessible to smaller companies. Failing that, they will open up the SharePoint search engine so that it can be customized along the lines that FAST can be customized. Per eżempju, FAST uses pipeline architecture for consuming content and indexing it. FAST admins and developers can assemble pipeline components per data source and even create new pipeline components. We don’t have this flexibility with SharePoint today. If FAST remains firmly targeted at very large companies, SharePoint search will adopt some of FAST’s features.

      SharePoint V.Next

      I believe it will come out in 2009.

      I believe that it will provide us the ability to secure views on a list or document library. This may be more of a hope than a belief 🙂

      I hope it will provide some better support for end users in SharePoint Designer and particularly workflow.

      I don’t know much else, I have been actively tracking what I do find here:

      Vendors Will Create Business Applications

      Illum, most SharePoint vendors seem to be gadget oriented. Take Bambu jew Corasworks per eżempju. They have a huge following and great portfolio of products. Madankollu, they seem sort of gadgety to me or developer / tool focused. Admin tools, workflow tools, eċċ. That’s not a criticism at all because SharePoint can definitely use some gadgets.

      Fl 2009, some vendors (and very possibly Bamboo themselves, if I read this correctly) will put together verticalized business applications in the form of templates, features, solutions, eċċ. I’m thinking about the fabulous forty templates today but tailored to specific industries. I’m sort of surprised it’s not already exploited this way. SharePoint is a platform for delivering these kinds of things. What’s everyone waiting for? They won’t wait any longer in 2009.

      Fl-istess ħin, Silverlight and other cool .NET stuff will fuel new, better and more interesting gadgets. will become the essential community catalog of these products.

      End User Focus

      2009 will see the emergence of the End User as a major focus for bloggers, organizations and Microsoft themselves. Mark Miller’s End User SharePoint.Com played a big role in 2008 and will continue to do so in 2009. End Users will begin to blog, help to transform user groups into less technical venues and even convince someone or organization to launch a pure End User focused conference.

      Conferences, User Groups, Code Camps, eċċ

      Speaking of conferences – they will continue to expand and grow in number and focus. Aside from end user content, they will continue to cater to developers and administrators.

      Virtual conferences will start to pick up and existing conferences will provide live feeds to remote attendees who cannot or choose not to attend in person.

      Free venues will expand, bħal Mike Lotter’s (et al) SharePoint is-Sibt.

      This is going to be very important because there will continue to be a large influx of new developers, admins and end users who will be craving the kind of information these groups provide.

      Computing Soċjali

      Demand for social computing features will rise. All things being equal, companies that implement effective social computing strategies will do better and be stronger than their competitors.

      Smaller companies will adopt these features more quickly and effectively than large companies.

      Large companies: beware 🙂

      Best Practices versus Remediation

      Fl 2008, a lot of SharePoint bloggers and organizations and Microsoft themselves spent a lot of time figuring out the best way to solve certain problems (usually technical problems).

      There are still opportunities to define and foster adoption of best practices. Madankollu, while we’ve been figuring out the best way to install, configure and manage SharePoint, hundreds and thousands of companies have been installing, configuring and managing SharePoint without those best practices at hand.

      Fl 2009, a lot of companies are going to realize they have some deeply rooted problems to solve and will be looking to the elite members of the SharePoint community and Microsoft for help to fix them. I think this will extend well into 2010 and possibly spawn a cottage industry providing remediation services for companies that really need and use SharePoint, but are hurting badly because of poor decisions made early in their implementation.

      The Mother Ship Will Return

      Fl 2009, the Mother Ship will return and bring Bob Fox home.

      Final Thoughts

      I didn’t start working with SharePoint myself in any real way until January 2007. It seems to me that SharePoint has really taken off and proven itself capable of delivering a lot of value in these two years. I think that in many ways, it didn’t really straighten itself out until the infrastructure update. It still has its bugs and problems, but we’ve all come along way since 01/2007. 2009 is going to be a banner year for SharePoint.


      Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

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      Impjegat Skeda Taħriġ u Materjali Template — Seat Count Bug PLUS Security Fix(?)

      This is a fairly popular "fabulous 40" template. It also has a bug which is widely known (I’ve even blogged about how to fix it).

      Sogeti released a codeplex project this week that fixes the bug (which is nice by itself, but not earth-shattering) but they also claim to have solved a much thornier problem: security. The fab 40 template requires a very generous security setting (users needs contributor level access to virtually everything). Not any more! According to the codeplex summary:

      "This template also includes a new custom workflow action which enables the template to work without having to give all users contribute permissions to the courses list."

      That’s good stuff and worth checking out.


      Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.