CodePlex Proġett Aġġornament: Workflow Estensjonijiet SharePoint Designer

A filwaqt li ilu, I kiteb that I was trying to resurrect my old CodePlex project, Workflow Estensjonijiet SharePoint Designer.  Dan il-proġett CodePlex kien żviluppat għall WSS / MOSS u żżid numru żgħir ta 'funzjonijiet tat-tip ta' utilità, bħal "ToLower()", “ToUpper()", "Substring()"U oħrajn.  Huwa anki għandha għan ġenerali "sejħa servizz web" funzjoni stil.  You can read more about it here:

I more or less abandoned it quite a while ago.  Ever since SharePoint 2010 came out, madankollu, I’ve been meaning to look back at it and make it work in SP 2010.  Well, llum, I did just that.  I haven’t updated the code to CodePlex yet. I want to educate myself on CodePlex conventions before I do that, but I did update the home page wiki for the project.

The wider and more interesting implication is that custom activities from WSS and MOSS seem to port over pretty easily, which is a (merħba) surprise to me.

Here’s what it looks like in SharePoint Designer when it’s working:



Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

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