Ħolqien Formoli Custom SharePoint Mingħajr Master Page

Kollega tiegħi, Lauren Jones, wrote up a nice walk-through on how to create a custom data entry form using SharePoint Designer.  That’s not exactly “new under the sun” but there’s a bit of twist.  In her words:

Creating custom forms is straight forward to do in SharePoint Designer, navigate to your list and on the ribbon menu select ‘List Form’ and create your new form template.

This works well if you want your form to be attached to you master page, but what if you have the use case of creating a form that is in a popup window or is standalone without the SharePoint chrome. I had exactly this use case, I wanted to custom style a form then use that form in a popup div inline within a page.

Don’t despair, there is a way to do this which is not that intuitive but fairly easy to accomplish.

You can read all the details here: http://www.bigapplesharepoint.com/pages/View-An-Insight.aspx?BlogID=55&rtitle=customforms&rsrouce=pgblog and you can see it in action by clicking the “contact us for more information” link on any of the services on the services page of our Big Apple SharePoint site (http://www.bigapplesharepoint.com/services).

Lauren writes lots of good stuff on UX and branding.  You can see more of here writing here: http://www.bigapplesharepoint.com/team?showExpertName=Lauren%20Jones.


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