New rilaxx: Workflow Estensjonijiet SharePoint Designer (manipulazzjoni funzjonijiet spag)

UPDATE: Ara hawn għal ħsibijiet tiegħi fuq il-kummerċjalizzazzjoni dan il-proġett:!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!569.entry

Stajt ġew busy jaħdmu fuq proġett Codeplex tiegħi li bħalissa ffokati fuq li jipprovdu estensjonijiet manipulazzjoni spag għall flussi tax-xogħol maħluqa permezz Disinjatur SharePoint.

Ara hawn għal aktar dettalji:

Dar Proġett:


Verżjoni 1.0 jinkludi l-karatteristiċi ġodda li ġejjin:

Funzjoni Deskrizzjoni (jekk mhux istess. funzjoni Net)
Num-entrati() Denunzji il numru "dħul" in a string as per a specified delimiter.

Per eżempju: Num-reġistrazzjonijiet fi string "a,b,c" ma delimetru "," = 3.

Dħul() Returns the nth token in a string as per a specified delimiter.
Tul String.Length
Ibdel() String.Replace()
Fih() String.Contains()
Denunzji-kelma "vera" jew il-kelma "false".
Substring(tibda) String.Substring(tibda)
Substring(tibda,tul) String.Substring(tibda,tul)
ToUpper() String.ToUpper()
ToLower() String.ToLower()
StartsWith() String.StartsWith()
Denunzji-kelma "vera" jew il-kelma "false".
EndsWith() String.EndsWith()
Denunzji-kelma "vera" jew il-kelma "false".

5 ħsibijiet dwar "New rilaxx: Workflow Estensjonijiet SharePoint Designer (manipulazzjoni funzjonijiet spag)

  1. Gerry WHITWORTH
    I solved the problem and posted it on another blog. I think the key is to put the actions into the WSS.Actions file. After doing this I was able to see the helper functions. All of the examples he has listed above work. The problem is that I can’t figure out how to use WorkFlow variables with the helper functions. I tried to substring one of my date values and then display the chopped date value in an email. This does not work at all because the program treates the variable as a string i.e. "[%_x005f_string47%]". I doubt that these helper functions work with WorkFlow variables at all. I ask how is this useful if I can’t use WorkFlow variables?
    Forsi jiena xi ħaġa nieqsa?
  2. Ashish Kanoongo
    Hello Paul
    I wkoll jiffaċċjaw istess problema kif Gerry jiffaċċjaw. I am jkollna azzjoni tinvoka C # helper functioon, ladarba I klikks dan notthing jidhru fil-disinjatur.
    I am doiing kollox fuq server direttament kif kull istruzzjoni installazzjoni tiegħek, iżda l-ebda xortih
    Kwalunkwe idea, X'qed ħażin I am doing hawn?
  3. Gerry WHITWORTH
    Install went as expected but when I select the new action "Invoke a Function" nothing appears in the designer. Any idea what I have done wrong?
  4. Manoj


    I am trying to add Invoke C# helper function in Action on SharePoint Designer workflow..When i click on Invoke C# helper function , it does not showing in the action list..
    Kull idea?….
    Why its happening.

    1. Paul Galvin awtur Post

      Hi, Manoj. I assume you figured this out a long time ago. Sorry for not replying back in 2010 when you made the comment.

Ħalli Tweġiba għal Gerry WHITWORTH tikkanċella risposta

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