SharePoint Shop Talk il-Ħamis 10/01 @ 12:30 PM EDT (għada!)

SharePoint Shop Talk registration is up and ready for tomorrow. We have a few questions teed up that address some management issues (dev/test/prod and syncing up service packs), email notifications (how to select people to email based on metadata of a document) and some discussion around using InfoPath forms services in an FBA environment. As […]

Maniġerjali Gruppi Approvazzjoni bl InfoPath f'ambjent FBA

I have an expense approval process that I need to implement using InfoPath in a forms based authentication (FBA) environment using forms services (web based InfoPath). There are two approval groups and the process works like this: User fills out an expense report and submits it for approval. That triggers an email to first level […]

Consulting Can Be a Little Bħall Ġbid Out Snien Your Own

[Innota: Dan l-artikolu cross-stazzjonati għall End User SharePoint hawn:] Kultant, meta inti qed jaħdmu bħala konsulent (bħala professjoni, jew fi rwol konsultattiv fil-kumpanija tiegħek), you find yourself living in an Onion story. The Onion has a series of articles called “Ask an [espert] dwar [xi problema]". This follows the famous “Dear […]

SharePoint On Line // BPOs - Xi idejn fuq esperjenza

(Innota: F'dan l-artikolu kien cross-stazzjonati hawn: = 1912) Aġġornament 09/01/09: Ibbażat fuq ir-rispons twitter, I need to clarify that InfoPath is supported in the sense that BPOS provides forms libraries. What I mean when I write "not supported in any way" is that InfoPath forms services functions are not supported. That means that you can’t publish […]

SharePoint - X'hemm Huwa Tajba Għall? A Mini Kura Każ ta 'Studju tas-Saħħa

[Innota: dan blog post hija taqsam stazzjonati fis-sit Mark Miller hawn: = 1897] Waħda mill-kumpanija tiegħi huwa klijenti aktar mhux tas-soltu hija New York City tabib li hija mexxejja fil-qasam partikolari tiegħu tal-mediċina (kura għajnejn). Like many doctors, he has a strong interest in research. He wanted to do some research on […]

InfoPath // Spjegazzjoni waħda għal "eċċezzjoni unhandled meta jfornu forma System.Xml.XmlException: Tmiem mhux mistennija tal-fajl waqt Isem parsing tkun seħħet. "

I kien qed jaħdem fuq formola InfPath llum u dam up kontra xi ħabib antik, "Eċċezzjoni unhandled meta jfornu forma System.Xml.XmlException: Unexpected end of file while parsing Name has occurred.” This happened to me a long time ago and I don’t know what exactly I did to resolve it. Honestly, I think that I had […]

Pre-kondizzjonijiet eżistenti: SharePoint Templates Twissija għall-salvataġġ (?)

One of my clients worked with a previous contractor to build out a small but useful HR application for the enterprise. That contractor used SharePoint Designer to implement the workflow portion of the solution. It’s a bit of a mess. Per eżempju, hemm disa 'workflows SPD b'appoġġ għal proċess wieħed workflow loġiku […]