Quick jiffissaw: Aċċess Site SharePoint throws [HttpException (0x80004005): Talba puntwali out.]

One of my developer colleagues was working on a project this week and ran into a timeout problem while working on building some crazy web part. His web part was fine, but "suddenly" sit mhux relatati sar bil-mod ħafna u spiss ttajmjati out ma 'dan l-iżball:

[HttpException (0x80004005): Talba puntwali out.]

I logged in and saw that several other sites were just fine. I suspected that there were some hidden web parts on the page and using l trusty ?kontenut = 1 teknika debug, I sabet effettivament 11 web partijiet fuq il-paġna, only two of which were visible. Even better (minn-'I-isibu-ikrah--hawn' li-I-can jiffissaw xi ħaġa tama let's perspettiva), three of those closed web parts had a name of "Error".

I imħassar dawk il-partijiet tal-web (li fih innifsu ħadet żmien twil sorprendenti) and that solved the problem. For today 🙂


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.


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