SharePoint is-Sibt Baltimore Poll

I taħsibha darbtejn biex tgħaddi dan flimkien peress li "ċajt Banjo" mhijiex għażla, iżda ... Il tmiem l-Awissu SharePoint is-Sibt (Baltimore edizzjoni) organizzaturi jkollhom poll up tistaqsi għal suġġetti suġġeriti.  Mur hawn biex jimlew it out:

Vote early and vote often 🙂

Imma serjament, tivvota biss darba.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

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2 ħsibijiet dwar "SharePoint is-Sibt Baltimore Poll

  1. Glenn Johnson

    Hi Paul,
    I just subscribed to you blog on my Kindle, and tried it. On the Kindle, huwa horrible. I see the first 10 lines or so, and then get this […] which I can’t click on to see the rest. I also see some sort of link, but when I click, it takes me to the web, to doubleclick, your advertiser.
    I don’t want to see ads, especially if I am going to pay for the kindle subscription. Wkoll, I want to be able to see the full post without needing to goto the web site.

    Sorry if the critique is harsh. If you give me something that is worth paying for, then we both win 😉
    I’m cancelling the 14day free trial, but if you can solve these issues, jekk jogħġbok ibgħat lili email.
    Glenn Johnson

    1. Paul Galvin awtur Post

      Hey, sorry about that. So far as I know, you’re the first person to ever do that 🙂

      Se nipprova u ċifra barra dak li qed jiġri.

Ħalli Tweġiba għal Glenn Johnson tikkanċella risposta

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