Lejn Disinji Disinn SharePoint Tekniċi: SharePoint Designer Workflow + Riċevitur Avveniment = Cocktail Għoli Qawwa

Wieħed mill-mudelli emerġenti nsib fil opri soluzzjonijiet SharePoint tiggwida SharePoint Designer workflow u riċevitur avveniment.

Hawnhekk huwa xenarju tan-negozju li tqiegħed fil-kuntest:

  • I upload dokument għal LIB dok.
  • I kick off multi-pass fluss tax-xogħol maħluqa bl-użu Disinjatur SharePoint.
  • F'xi punt matul dak il-proċess, workflow tassenja kompitu lil xi ħadd (permezz tinġabar data mill-utent jew tassenja kompitu).
  • We want to use a KPI to track how long that task is awaiting completion. The KPI shows green for tasks that are completed or due more than 3 days from now. It shows yellow if the task is due tomorrow or today. It shows red if the task is past due.
  • Hawn il-kicker: Irrid id-data li drives li KPI li tkun btala-konxju.

I can’t calculate a holiday-aware due date in SharePoint Designer workflow very easily. I would have to create a custom action or use a 3rd party tool. Madankollu, it’s easy enough to calculate such a date in an event receiver. Merge those two together and we get a pattern like this:

  • Define a hidden yes/no site column on the document library labeled "DoCalcualteDueDate".
  • Initialize l falza.
  • Fiż-żmien xieraq fil-fluss tax-xogħol (e.g. just before the "collect data" azzjoni), tassenja dak il-valur għall Veru.
  • L ItemUpdate() event receiver looks to see if "DoCalculateDueDate" is true. Since the event receiver runs on every update, "DoCalculateDueDate" normalment falza.
  • Meta workflow tassenja DoCalculateDueDate li veru, ir-riċevitur avveniment tikkalkula d-data festa-konxji minħabba.
  • Meta r-riċevitur avveniment ma dan il-kalkolu, hi tistipula l-bandiera DoCalculateDueDate biex falza.

Fl-aħħar, SPD workflow is communicated with an event receiver via the DoCalculateDueDate semaphore and we have holiday-aware due dates that are assigned at the exactly correct moment in the workflow’s life. SharePoint Designer controls when the due date is assigned but the event receiver performs the actual calculation and assignment.


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