Traċċar Attivitajiet ta 'prattika – Parti 1

Madwar sena ilu, I ssieħbu Consulting slalom hawn fi New York bħala nsejħu Ċomb Żona Prattika.  (Bħala minuri aside għall-punt ta 'dan blog post, li l-bidla fil-kontijiet impjiegi għal drop-off tiegħi total fil blogging.  Kien bidla kbira fl-irwoli u bidla kbira fil-jum għal jum "għalf" imma stajt tip ta 'akklimatizzati myself lilha u ħerqana għall-kitba mill-ġdid Tbissem ).

F'dan ir-rwol PAL, Jien responsabbli biex isalva l-kumpanija u l-inħawi immedjati ta ' 21 West triq 21 minn diżastru fuq bażi regolari.  Huwa ħafna pressjoni (more than you might think – just think of all the children!). 

In service to that imperative, I need to help out with pre-sales, create and update go-to-market offerings, hire good folks, train up folks to make them better (but really, to make my job easier) and occasionally do something billable at a client.  I get a lot of “input” – questions from clients, sales opportunities, my own addled thoughts and so forth.  Some of it’s really good (like a hot sales oppty) while a lot of it is less good.  The key is to initially track, prioritize and manage each of these ideas (great and small) to a successful conclusion. 

This kind of task management isn’t new, dritt?  And we have lots of task tools to help us with this.  Outlook has tasks.  You can slap a spreadsheet together nice and quick.  My very first task management tool was a legal notepad back in my days at GAF as a developer in the IT department.  (Ask me about those good old days the next time you see me if you’re interested, or maybe not...).

Being a SharePoint guy (nominally, inqas), I’ve always thought to use SharePoint.  But for some reason, a generic Task list never quite did it for me.  A bunch of months ago, I decided to heal myself and just create a SharePoint based solution.  It was so embarrassingly easy to create that I thought to write about it here.

Allura, my goals here were very simple:

  • Super easy and fast data entry
  • Prioritize activities
  • Categorize activities
  • “next step” driven – these activities will often span weeks (maybe even months).  Huma kważi qatt "end" wara aġġornament speċifiku wieħed.

Dawn bits jipprestaw ruħhom ħafna nicely għal tip kontenut, hekk dan huwa dak I maħluqa:


Inti tista 'attwalment tara li kelli bias bejgħ ma' dan fl-ewwel, peress I jkollhom li "Klijent" qasam.  A lott ta 'Attivitajiet ta' prattika tiegħi huma bbażati madwar il-klijenti (jew attwali jew prospettiv).  Iżda ħafna minnhom huma wkoll internament iffokat.  I SLAP "Slalom" fil hemm meta I jinħolqu minnhom, iżda dejjem iħoss a tad stramb.  I għandhom ikunu semmew xi ħaġa aktar ġeneriku.  Forsi "Organizzazzjoni Target" jew xi ħaġa.

Hawnhekk huma noti mixxellanji ftit fuq it-tip kontenut:

  • Attività Impatt ddelega fis kejl ta 'prijorità.  I’m not sure why I went with “Impact” and not “Priority” day zero, but that’s what I did. 
  • Next Steps and Next Steps Date – I have a dashboard that is driven by the next activity date.  This dashboard has sort of become my marching orders for the day/week.  I just go to the dashboard and focus on high priority stuff first and go from there.  (There’s the notion of an “untagged”
  • Primary Owner – the only thing of note is – isn’t it awesome that you can sort and filter on multi-select columns in SP 2010! I actually didn’t fully buy into this notion at first.
  • Activity Status – really just “Open” or “Closed.” 
  • Primary Practice – After I began using this, another PAL in my group wanted to try this out, so I slipped this into the mix to distinguish between my stuff (Portals & Collaboration) and her stuff (Azure).

Here’s my dashboard:


(sorry for all the blurred out bits – I didn’t feel like creating a bunch of test data and I don’t want to give anyone a heart attack over sharing vital details [see the bit in the intro re: save the world, eċċ, eċċ, eċċ]).

I have several other views on this list, including a datasheet view that allows me to do mass updates.  I do this most often when a bunch of lower priority items I planned to do a never quite got done and need to be pushed out a week.

Kull jum, I pull up my activities log and just start working off the top of the list.

In part 2, I’ll explain how I made this even more useful with the addition of a nice email-enabled doc library and SPD workflow.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Follow lili Twitter fi

3 ħsibijiet dwar "Traċċar Attivitajiet ta 'prattika – Parti 1

  1. Johan Bager

    Punti tajba kollha. Nissuġġerixxi "kwistjoni’ sub tip li jmorru flimkien mal-klijent kif hija prattika komuni fil-vertikali legali.

    Espansjoni, org (Slalom) kompetenza jistgħu jkunu siewja rigward it tista 'tħaffef RFP u majjala artifacts. Filwaqt li inti tista 'taf il skillsets tal-persunal fil-kariga tiegħek, inti tista 'tkun servee ukoll jafu li dawk li jirrisjedu xi mkien ieħor.

Ħalli Tweġiba għal Paul Galvin tikkanċella risposta

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