Kua: BDC Picker qhia tau hais tias tsuas muaj ib sab ntawm lub ntsiab

Hauv kuv npaj siab rau mus ntawm kev muab ib pab tau ntau lookup sab siv BDC, Kuv ntaus ib phab ntsa nrog rau lub BDC picker. Yog hais tias koj tsis tau pom nws, cov BDC picker yog zoo li ib tug neeg picker tsuas tias nws ua haujlwm nrog rau txhua yam "lag luam cov ntaub ntawv".

Koj saib tau cov picker los txhaj rau lub icon qhib phau ntawv uas qhia tus lag luam cov ntaub ntawv kiag li:


Cov duab saum toj no qhia tau hais tias ib lub lag luam cov ntaub ntawv kem hu ua "Tswv daim ntawv Id". Qhia kiag qhov txuas nrog, ntawm BDC, rau qhov Web site. Cov Web site qhov rov txhua ob lus: Daim ntawv ID thiab Title. Tus ua hauj lwm ntawm no yog muab ib "daim ntawv no yog xyuas los ntawm" muaj nuj nqi. Cov neeg siv xaiv ib tug "tswv" ntaub ntawv thiab thaum lawv tseg, ib qhov kev tshwm sim receiver copies meta liaj teb cov ntaub ntawv los ntawm tus tswv tsuav.

Los vim, cov BDC picker zoo li no thaum kuv nrhiav kom tau ib qho ntaub ntawv uas nws daim ID = "38":


Tus ntawd yog yuav pab tau, tab sis tsis zoo txaus. Neeg tsis xav saib raws tawm lawv tus ID, lawv xav hais tias ntawd lub npe thiab/los yog lwm yam ntaub ntawv meta. Tus picker no tso cai rau koj mus nrhiav tau rau ntawm lwm txhua (e.g. Npe) tab sis yuav tsis qhia tau tias daim ntawv ntawm lub npe uas nws pom tseeb, tos lawv DocId tus li no:


(Txhaj tshuaj ntsuam tsis zoo li ntawd, vim kuv tsis de mus nrhiav rov rau tej kev ntsuam mhuv, tab sis koj pom tau tias yog nws tau pom ib co ntsiab, nws yuav tsuas pom tus DocId, tsis tau muaj lub npe).

High tsis nrhiav rau lo lus teb rau qhov no thiab ua tsis tau tejyam. Kuv colleague, lub venerable Jonathan Bradshaw, muaj muag thiab solved no qhov teeb meem. Thaum kuv mus txog nws tau kev pab, Nws taw kuv ua raws li siab xav.

Configure lub picker qhia ntau txhua ntawm "ShowInPicker cov" cov cuab yeej nyob hauv lub ADF:

<Khoom Lub npe="ShowInPicker" Hom="System.Boolean">tseeb</Khoom>

Nyob rau ntau yam:

  <!-- Npe -->
  <TypeDescriptor TypeName="System.String" Lub npe="Npe" >
      <LocalizedDisplayName LCID="1033">Npe</LocalizedDisplayName>
      <Khoom Lub npe="DisplayByDefault" Hom="System.Boolean">tseeb</Khoom>
      <Khoom Lub npe="ShowInPicker" Hom="System.Boolean">tseeb</Khoom>

Teev cov cuab yeej no ua kom paub cov teeb meem me. Thaum koj teev nws ib zaug, koj yuav tsum muab tso rau txhua sab koj yuav tau qhia. Hauv kuv tsev neeg, BDC picker tsom DocId yog vim. Txawm li cas los, ib zaug kuv ntxiv "ShowInPicker" rau npe, DocId tsis tso tawm kom pom. Kuv solved uas los ntawm ntsees teev cov cuab yeej ShowInPicker rau Doc ID.

Ntawm no yog cov:


(Kuv mam li piav qhov odd-looking "168 – CamlSchema.xsd" siv hauv lub tsev xa blog yav tom ntej. Hauv ntej, Nws yog ib txoj hlua concatenated pub rau cov neeg siv kev zoo me ntsis).

tau mas, daim ntawv no qhov nkag teb chaws blog, Kuv cia li tsis nrhiav ib tug "ShowInPicker" ua heev heev hits, xws li cov no ib: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms583986.aspx. Nws qhia txog lub ntsiab ntawm qhov cuab yeej nrog rau ib co lwm zoo BDC khoom.


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4 xav txog"Kua: BDC Picker qhia tau hais tias tsuas muaj ib sab ntawm lub ntsiab

  1. Jean-Marie

    Damn… Cov tshooj no rua kuv ntau heev nyob rau lub sij hawm thiab kuv nyob :-))

    Yawm ncej thiab koj Blog ntxiv rau kuv favorites. Los ntawm txoj kev, Kuv nyob hauv tsab xov xwm no yog googling "bdc yuav tsis nrhiav teb mus tau ntxig yaam tseem ceeb txhua lub identifier nuav" *lol* 😉

    Regards, Jm

  2. juggler_10 1
    Koj twb tau them feem ntau ntawm cov teeb meem uas kuv tuaj dhau lub hli tas los, Nws yog mus ntsib lawv rau ib qhov chaw zoo. My question is how you are searching by more than one column in the picker. Kuv tsis tau muaj tej hmoov mus rau BDC mus nrhiav los ntawm ntau tshaj ib sab. Kuv twb tau tsim ntau cov ntxaij lim dej thiab cov uas pub kuv muaj kev xaiv thib ob rau qhov dropdown tab sis kuv tsis tau ua tau txais nws mus ua hauj lwm nrog rau cov lus nug tau. Thiab cov kev taw qhia yuav poj.
  3. Paul Galvin
    Kuv pom tias thaum kuv nrhiav "showinpicker".
    I did all kinds of searching for a solution to this and couldn’t find anything until Jonathan Bradshaw told me how he solved it. Lots of hits on "ShowInPicker" but virtually nothing on "bdc data column shows only one column in web page dialog".
    Kuv tsis paub dab tsi nug "nug" thiab thiaj li tsis tau tau ib tus zoo teb.
    Everyone should certainly look at bdc meta man. Hand crafting ADF files is not a good use of a human’s time, yog tseeb.

Tawm hauv lub teb Jean-Marie Hu teb

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