NJ SharePoint User Group Takimi me Dave Mann … Ose .. Çfarë Bob Said

Bob Fox lets us know that Dave Mann, SharePoint gjeniale workflow, është duke folur në mbledhjen e grupit SharePoint përdorues NJ mërkurën në mbrëmje, 11/19/08. Don’t miss it. (Mjerisht, Overlord ime korporatave ka planifikuar një takim i madh grup Wed natë dhe unë do të humbasë atë).

Kliko këtu për t'u regjistruar dhe për të marrë më shumë detaje.

Këtu janë disa detaje session:

Session Title “Deploying Workflows in a Large Scale SharePoint Environment"

Workflow in SharePoint is an exciting new capability. Megjithatë, it is a capability that is often misunderstood when it comes to the impact it has on your environment. For small environments, the out-of-the-box settings, configurations and architectural approach are probably sufficient. But what about an environment that will be processing thousands of documents per day? How can you make sure that those environments will not falter under the load, but still meet SLA’s for performance and responsiveness? This session will explore why focusing on your workflow subsystem is important, and cover the needs of a large scale workflow environment from the farm level down to individual workflow design specifications. Learn why all workflows need to be looked at in light of performance and scalability as well as how to build workflows that scale in an environment that scales, monitor workflow processing and overcome common obstacles. This session will cover architectural guidance for your SharePoint environment as well as specific coding practices to ensure you get the most out of your SharePoint workflows.


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