За љубав [попуните свој најомиљенијих особа / вишег бића], don’t change the ‘Title’ Сајт колона.

На СхареПоинт блог, someone occasionally asks about "changing the label of Title" or about "removing title from lists".

Боттом лине: Немој то да радиш!

Нажалост, кориснички интерфејс омогућава једносмерну промену те колоне ознаци као што је приказано:


Title is a column associated with the "Item" тип садржаја. Многи, многи, многи ЦТ користе ову колону, а ако га промените овде, it ripples out everywhere. There’s a good chance that you didn’t intend for that to happen. You were probably thinking to yourself, "I have a custom lookup list and ‘Title’ једноставно нема смисла као име колоне, so I’m going to change it to ‘Status Code’ and add a description column." But if you follow through on that thought and rename ‘Title’ to ‘Status Code’, Свака листа наслов (укључујући библиотеке докумената) changes to "Status Code" и вероватно није намеравао да се то деси.

Прави проблем је у томе што је то једносмерна промена. The UI "knows" that "title" is a reserved word. Тако, if you try and change "Status Code" back to "Title", то ће вас спречити и сада сте насликао себе у ћошак using paint that never dries 🙂

Дакле, шта се дешава ако сте већ га променили? I haven’t seen the answer we all want, which is a simple and easy method to change the label back to ‘Title’. Right now, the best advice is to change it to something like "Doc/Item Title". That’s a generic enough label that may not be too jarring for your users.

Имам још неке идеје које су на мојој то-до листа ствари за истраживање:

  • Контакт Мицрософт.
  • Урадите нешто са објектним моделом, Можда у комбинацији са функцијом.
  • Схватите шему базе података и ручно ажурирање СКЛ. (Требало би да контактирате Мицрософт пре него што ово ипак; вероватно ће поништити уговор за подршку).

Ако неко зна како да се реши ово, пошаљите коментар.

Упдате касно поподне, 11/15: Нашао сам овај линк који описује метод за стварање тип листе који нема колону титулу: http://www.venkat.org/index.php/2007/09/03/how-to-remove-title-column-from-a-custom-list/

7 мисли о "За љубав [попуните свој најомиљенијих особа / вишег бића], don’t change the ‘Title’ Сајт колона.

  1. Jeff
    I just read your post and was concerned. I just did this very thing earlier this week.
    I immediately went to the list in question and tried to rename the field (now called Job Number) Наслов до. It worked without any problems. Perhaps all of the patches, hot fixes and service packs since your original post have made this a non-issue. I’m on SP1 with all the latest updates.
    Just to be sure I named it back to Job Number and crated a new list. It had a Title column and everything looked fine.
    Please let me know if I’m missing something, or need to look at this a different way. I’d hate to let this go if it’s actually a problem. Now’s the time to fix it. I’m just getting ready to build out the content in my test environment.
  2. Марк Миллер ЕндУсерСха реПои ...
    Been there, done that. What a mess. It was within the first couple weeks of working with SharePoint. I ended up deleting the entire site just to get rid of the problem. That’s probably not an option for people with a lot of content, so I’ll be interested if you find a solution.
  3. Но наме
    Too late! Too late! But at least now I know I can’t go back, so I can stop trying.
    Does it seem wrong to anybody else that you can change it but not change it back, or am I just too picky in my old age?
  4. Rick Smit
    If you don’t want the title column for these type of items, you should create a content type for it. Then you have the option to "hide" the title column. So the title column then is still alive, but just not vissible. I would also love to have the option for being able to delete the column, but it’s something which is used internally by SharePoint. So it’s one of those "features" we need to live with! 🙂
  5. Kriss
    I believe the protection of "Title" should live in the UI layer. И, that it should be done quite easily through the object model.
    You can try the following PowerShell script:

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