Баш када сам о томе да Онемогући Коментари …

Они повуците ме натраг у!

Windows Live Spaces doesn’t do a good job protecting me from comment spam. I assume MSFT has good spam detection, but that the spammers are better. The fact remains, међутим, that I get far more spam comments than I get real comments and I was just thinking in the last week or so that I was going to disable comments.

Међутим, данас, I found two excellent comments in response to овај пост (about Limited Access) и овај пост (about limiting search to documents, as opposed to folders). Those comments are so complementary (in that they add a lot of value to my post), I can’t see disabling comments and thereby closing off that avenue of useful information. Тако, I’ve resigned myself to being a human spam catcher / cleaner. Live spaces does provide a pretty decent way to clean up comments, but who wants to waste time doing that?


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