Мосс / ВСС ми каже: “Страница је измењена од стране другог аутора на …” али заправо, то није било.

We did some heavy duty re-organizing of our site taxonomy via "Manage Content and Structure". For reasons unknown to me, this process (though working in the main) broke some navigation links in the quick launch. The broken links are characterized by:

  • Wrong URL. На пример, it should be "/sites/departments/HumanResources/…". Међутим, the new link is "/sites/Corporate/HumanResources/…".
  • Repeated bits on the query string of the heading, као у:


That’s easy enough to fix via site settings/navigation. Except, MOSS presents me with this when I try and do it:


The fact is, no one is making any change there (aside from me, наравно).

A quick search turns up this MSDN forums discussion: http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=1691577&SiteID=1

William Heurdier lays it out nicely in the the penultimate (као и од 10/02/07) после:

Fact is:

To reset corrupted headings, you have to :

– remove all the lists under corrupted heading

– remove corrupted heading

– From the list settings, add a removed list to the quick launch (This regenerate a non corrupted heading)

You are then good to go….

Sharepoint Expert – Sogeti Cap Gemini Switzerland

I was a bit confused because I kept wanting to go to the navigation page, make the change and then get hit with the "page was modified" message. Коначно, I realized I had to go to the list settings and remove/add it to quick launch. That did the trick. Happy times are here again!


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2 мисли о "Мосс / ВСС ми каже: “Страница је измењена од стране другог аутора на …” али заправо, то није било.

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