Користи прилагођене листе за ефикаснију ревизију Воркфлов

Реорганизован сам зивот сам мало и нашао мало времена да пошаљете чланак на ввв.ендусерсхарепоинт.цом. My latest article is up here: Користи прилагођене листе за ефикаснију ревизију Воркфлов (http://www.endusersharepoint.com/?p=1658).

Ово је отварање трафик:

SharePoint Designer workflow doesn’t give us a lot of visibility into what’s happening with our workflow solutions. И, the visibility that we do get is hampered by a relatively poor interface and 60 day time window. Ово 60 day window can be a major disappointment to new SharePoint Designer users because it’s not advertised by the tool itself. It’s not at all uncommon for someone to fire up SharePoint Designer, create a workflow solution that leverages the “Log To History List” action…

The problem is that after 60 дани, any messages that you create this way are deleted from the workflow history list! After a bit of teeth gnashing and “what were they thinking?” arguments, the bottom line is this: it happens and it needs to happen. Питање је, how can we get around it?

The official answer is to rely upon SharePoint’s built-in auditing feature. From an end user’s point of view, међутим, that’s very weak in WSS and not much better in MOSS. Срећом, we can still leverage the familiar SharePoint Designer tool to create a durable workflow history and audit trail which is an order of magnitude more useful to boot. Here’s how.

I describe how to create a more friendly and useful audit solution for declarative workflow created in SPD.

I was inspired to write this article from a recent project for a client that had developed nine technical SPD workflows in support of one logical business process. Assuming for now that nine is a reasonable number, it was certainly a challenge to debug it or view the overall status of the process in one simple view. Each of these separate technical workflows has its own independent workflow history list and that’s just not manageable. I was able to combine all of them into a single audit list using the technique I describe on the site.

Цхецк ит оут.


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