ВСС испит 70-541, Мицрософт Виндовс СхареПоинт Сервицес 3.0 – Развој апликација

Узео сам и прошао горе поменути тест јутрос. Нашао сам испит да буде тежак и фер.

Постоји релативна недостатак информација о овом испиту на Интернету. Нисам сигуран зашто.

Ја очигледно добити у детаље о испит и, али мислим да са сигурношћу могу да кажем следеће:

  1. Trust this link: http://www.microsoft.com/learning/exams/70-541.mspx.

    It lists what you need to know to pass the exam and it’s, IMO, very accurate.

  2. The link also recommends Inside Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 by Ted Pattison & Daniel Larson. This book covers nearly all the subjects that the test addresses. I found it to be great in and of itself beyond simple exam prep. It provides great examples and really got me thinking about some new and interesting things to try. If you want to skip a few bits in the book, just cross-reference the book’s TOC with the items in the link from above.
  3. Nothing beats actual hands-on experience. If you have time and interest, follow along with the examples in the book and then experiment with them. You’ll have an easier time on the exam as well as really learn WSS application programming.

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3 мисли о "ВСС испит 70-541, Мицрософт Виндовс СхареПоинт Сервицес 3.0 – Развој апликација

  1. Паул Галвин

    Albert, sorry I never responded. You probably know by now, but the answer for me (and I think it’s very normal) is that you get feedback in the testing room itself. За мене, I take the test, after I press the button, "are you really really really sure you’re done?", it pauses for a minute and tells me I passed. I walk out to the proctor who prints out a form, stamps it and I’m done.

    Good luck! (if you still need it)

  2. Ahmed
    Питао сам се, since you wrote the exam, if you get to find out if you passed right after the exam or do you have to wait for a couple of days/weeks?
  3. Ioana Guiman
    Just wanted to leave a hint for anyone preparing for this exam: I bought a practice test sw from http://www.selfexamengine.com/70-541-practice-testing-software.htm (30$). They provide 55questions for C# and the same 55 for VB.
    In certification mode, there are 60questions available out of which 20 repeat themselves!!!
    Furthermore, sometimes in learning mode the same question has different correct answers.
    I surely not recommend throwing away money on this particular test.

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