Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 VHD

Hola Devs,

Està buscant l'entorn de desenvolupament per aprendre MOSS 2007.

Aquesta és la forma. Microsoft dóna configurar prèviament VHD per MOSS 2007.

Get it aquí

Si vostè té algun problema en la configuració de VHD publicar aquí.

Download Virtual PC to Host the VHD.

3 comments to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 VHD

  • (sam)


    I have installed the VHD and VPC.I want to make it active even after 30 days which is its expiry date.
    Can u plz suggest how to do it?

  • (sam)


    Can u plz suggest how i can activate the VHD even after 30 dia.

  • Gururaj

    I have tried to download and run MOSS 2007 VHD but 2 of the rar files are corrupted.

    ! G:\Sharepoint\Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 VHD\Image014-7.part13.rar: Packed data CRC failed in Image014-7\Virtual Hard Disks\Image014-7.vhd. The volume is corrupt

    ! G:\Sharepoint\Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 VHD\Image014-7.part20.rar: CRC failed in Image014-7\Virtual Hard Disks\Image014-7.vhd. The file is corrupt


    URL used:

    Very bad on part of Microsoft. Please correct and place a non corrupted files.

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