Erro Apertura MOSS 2007 Identificación de Formularios da web no SharePoint Designer

Se tentar abrir o sitio web da Autenticación de formularios activado no SharePoint Designer vai a través do seguinte erro:

O cartafol '’ non é accesible. O cartafol pode estar situada nun lugar dispoñible, protexido cun contrasinal, ou o nome do ficheiro contén un / ou .

Designer cannot open the site because the site using custom authentication.
There is two workaround for this issue.

Aproximación 1:

· While login to forms authentication site check the sign in me automatically(it will cache the credential and it will load the Designer)

Aproximación 2:

· Extend the Existing Forms Authentication Enabled web application to windows authentication application. Now windows authentication enabled web application can be opened in sharepoint designer using windows authentication.

My Reccomandation would be Approach 2

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