MOSS 2007 Pogreška u instalaciji

Postavljanje se ne može nastaviti zbog sljedeće pogreške(s):
Ovaj proizvod je potrebno ASP.NET v2.0 biti postavljena na 'Dopusti’ U popisu Internet Information Services (IIS) Web Server Extensions. Ako to nije dostupno na popisu, Re-instalirati ASP.NET v2.0 Ispravite problem(s) navedene gore i ponovno pokrenuti setup.

If you are getting this error, even if you have ASP.Net 2.0 installed in your machine and ASP.Net 2.0 in not listed in web server extensions.
Start -> Programs -> Visual Studio 2005 -> Visual Studio Tools -> Command Prompt
Then Execute the following command
aspnet_Regiis /i

Then Open the IIS and allow ASP.Net 2.0 in web server extensions

Good Luck 🙂

Dopust jedan Odgovor

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