Quam ut Install "Napa" Office 365 Development Tools

Ini ut Office365 elit Site. Si vos have non subcribo sursum pro elit propter, legere meae superioris stipes in quam ut signum sursum pro Office365 elit propter.

Navigare ad SharePoint admin page, click in “Get tools aedificare apps”

Click in “COADDO IT” puga pyga in vox angulus, et scribe in usura vestri SINGRAPHUS depositum pro.


Populus apparebit ad confirmandas Trust. Click in “Sperate It” puga pyga, et tunc vos ero redirected ad elit site.

Nunc app erit installed in vestri elit site. Click in “Napa Office 365 Development Tools” in Site Contents Page ad Duc.

Nunc nos got nostri development tools installed. Quis 'postero? Lets ædificáverit HelloWorld.

2 comments to How to Install “Napa” Office 365 Development Tools

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