Архітектура та планування MOSS 2007

Корисні листи для SharePoint Server 2007 Планування

Downloadable book: Планування та архітектура для Office SharePoint Server 2007

Planning worksheets for Office SharePoint Server 2007

Plan overall design

Plan Web site structure and publishing (Office SharePoint Server)

Plan for personalized content and sites

Plan workflows

Plan InfoPath Forms Services

Plan for business intelligence

Plan search (Office SharePoint Server)

Plan communication (Office SharePoint Server)

Plan document management

Plan records management

Plan site and content security (Office SharePoint Server)

Plan for site creation and maintenance (Office SharePoint Server)

Plan for system requirements

Design server farms and topologies (Office SharePoint Server)

Design logical architecture

Plan for authentication (Office SharePoint Server)

Plan for and design security (Office SharePoint Server)

Plan for performance and capacity (Office SharePoint Server)

Plan for and design database storage and management

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