Obter respostas Back from the Start Proceso de Aprobación Actividade

Eu fun xogar coa fantasía actividade de fluxo de traballo do SharePoint Designer novo "Inicio Proceso de Aprobación" e foi rapidamente bloqueado porque eu non podía inmediatamente responder á pregunta, "Foi aprobado ou non?". 

A resposta curta é que é moi fácil obter a resposta.  Cando engade esta actividade para o seu fluxo de traballo principal, SPD adds a bazillion variables to the Workflow Variables and Parameters data source, as you can see here:


You’ll also note that if you add more than one of these, SPD appends a “1” and so forth to all of the variables. 

I found that when I deleted the first “Start Approval Process” activity, the first set of associated workflow variables remained (tristemente).  Así, be careful how you use this because otherwise, you’ll end up with  a very cluttered list of workflow variables.

I give Microsoft credit for following the “is” naming convention for a Boolean variable.  This convention makes it pretty clear what kind of data is supposed to be there.

In researching, I found this helpful article: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint-designer-help/workflow-actions-in-sharepoint-designer-2010-a-quick-reference-guide-HA010376961.aspx.  It doesn’t really address this specific issue, but has some good information on the topic so I’d go there if you want to learn more about this specific activity and its siblings.


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