Rápido e sinxelo: Fai unha forma de InfoPath Read Only (InfoPath Forms Services no Moss)

Hai un escenario de negocios común como esta:

  • Usuario encher un formulario do InfoPath.
  • Somete forma.
  • Longo proceso de execución de fluxo de traballo comeza.
  • Mentres que o fluxo de traballo está en execución, Non queremos que ninguén para cambiar o contido da forma.

This office.microsoft.com example describes how to create a separate "view" and mark the whole view as read-only. This is a workable approach but has the drawback that you’ve effectively created two entire versions of the same form and must now keep them in sync manually. If you add a field to the editable view, you must then add it to the non-editable view as well. Ao longo do tempo, with different developers, there can be some divergence.

This alternative might work better in some cases:

  • Add a new field to the form called "IsEditable".
  • Set its default value to true.
  • Promote it when publishing to MOSS.
  • No fluxo de traballo, set the value of IsEditble to false.
  • Go back to the form.
  • Add a rule that "upon open of the form", disable your save button when IsEditable is false.

The drawback to this approach is that all the fields will still be editable on the screen. The user can get a false impression that they can actually change content. You can mitigate that by putting in some text that the form is disabled, possibly in big red letters across the top of the page.

In one project, I created a "workflow status" ver. As the workflow progressed, it would update specific status fields that had been promoted from the form. When the user opened the form, the "open form" rule automatically switched to that view and the user had a nice little summary status.


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5 pensamentos sobre "Rápido e sinxelo: Fai unha forma de InfoPath Read Only (InfoPath Forms Services no Moss)

  1. Paul Galvin

    Correo, you wrote "Pardon my ignorance, but when you refer to the "Save" button, se está referindo ao botón que aparece na parte superior do formulario InfoPath cando exhibido en Sharepoint, which I think is enabled in the "Open and Save Form options" ao proxecto a forma? Se é así, como pode ser desactivado por unha regra – Eu olhei, pero debe estar falta algo que é obvio. grazas, Correo"

    Na miña experiencia, most "real" formas de comunicación acaban por ter un botón específico usado para gardar o formulario. Gardar o patrón función no InfoPath pedirá un nome de ficheiro e, xeralmente, queremos xerar o nome do ficheiro automaticamente. Así, Quero dicir para desactivar o botón de envío personalizada. HTH,

    –Paul Galvin

  2. Ningún nome

    Perdoen a miña ignorancia, but when you refer to the "Save" button, se está referindo ao botón que aparece na parte superior do formulario InfoPath cando exhibido en Sharepoint, which I think is enabled in the "Open and Save Form options" ao proxecto a forma? Se é así, como pode ser desactivado por unha regra – Eu olhei, pero debe estar falta algo que é obvio. grazas, Correo

  3. Sanjeev Rajput
    Can you use conditional formatting in an InfoPath form? I have a dataview form in sharepoint which is read-only using the conditional formatting to make it ‘appear’ greyed out to the user – depending on their name. I just don’t know if you can do that in the Infopath form?
  4. Paul Galvin
    Good point and the approach I describe above would have to be modified. If I had to conditionally allow certain fields to be updated, then we’re probably back to multiple views, or a lot of conditional enable/disable logic. The fundamental idea would be the same — use flags to manage which bits of the form are enabled and have workflow set those flags as needed.
  5. erugalatha wrote:

    What happens in the scenario where you want to collect signatures for approval/denial as your workflow runs? If you disable the save – no further editing allowed – Entón, se eu estou ollando para isto correctamente, ten que deixar a forma editable para recoller sinaturas = sen solución.


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