SharePoint Tenda Recap Talk para o xoves 10/01/09

I’ve noticed that people seem to be waiting until the last minute to register for SharePoint Shop Talk sessions. Last Thursday, nuns 11:45AM, tiñamos nove persoas rexistrarte, which is a very small number. Con todo, nun punto, tivemos 18 ou 20 persoas asinaron en, así, polo menos nove persoas rexistrarte para el 45 minutes or less before the call. I’m not complaining, só observando.

We had a full schedule of questions and discussion topics and couldn’t get to all of them. Como de costume, imos ir de onde paramos este xoves que vén.

Aquí está o resumo:

  • Vamshi asked about building a WSS environment that has SP1 and not SP2. You can download that configuration here: And someone else suggested looking here:

  • Tivemos unha (benvida) surprise return visitor. A few weeks previous, Blue had asked us a question that left everyone on the call a little sad because we couldn’t help. His problem and solution are really fairly complicated, pero todo se reduce a crear unha exhibición de datos parte web cun intervalo de datas filtrados (non só unha única data filtrada, o que é máis fácil). He may write up a blog entry on this and if does, I’ll link to it. In the course of the discussion, el referiuse a todos a estas dúas conexións:
  • Looping no SharePoint Designer - iso se pode facer? The answer is “yes” in some narrow cirumstances. Con todo, para facelo, ten que facer algo complicado que é difícil de conceituar, difícil de aplicar, hard to debug … it’s just plain hard. The panel’s consensus – don’t do this if you can help it. If you need looping, create custom actions or drop down into visual studio. Por suposto, se está a usar SPD, vostede probe non pode facilmente caer en VS, mais é o que se está, tristemente.
  • Falando de triste, Nancy gaña o "Fai o Panel triste" premio por (inutilmente) asking about drag and drop from a data view web part. The scenario is very interesting and if anyone has a clever solution, por favor me aviso. Here’s the problem: she has a DVWP that is doing some necessary filtering on a document library that returns back dozens or more documents. This works great. Con todo, her users need to take those documents and burn them to CD. This is doable using a windows explorer type view, pero como facelo desde DVWP? We couldn’t think of a good answer. Can you?
  • Laura Rogers, seguido por Lori Gowan de fama (e noutras partes) made us aware of the fact that attachments to InfoPath forms can be submitted via a web service to an image library in SharePoint. Fóra da caixa! That is a very interesting fact with some very interesting implications.

That’s pretty much it. I probably missed something, pero espero que comeza a esencia del.

Aínda que sei que non ha realmente rexistrar ata o mediodía, Xoves, aquí está o enlace de inscrición para a próxima sesión, Xoves 10/08 a partir de 12:30 para 1:30 AM EDT:


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