Lágmark Öryggi þarf til Eyðublöð Infopath

I needed to meet a security requirement for an InfoPath form today. In this business situation, a relatively small number of individuals are allowed to create a new InfoPath form and a much wider audience are allowed to edit it. (Þetta er ný-ráða á borð mynd notuð af Human Resources sem kynnir workflow).

Til að mæta þessu markmiði, Ég bjó búið tvær nýjar aðgangsstig ("create and update" and "update only"), broke inheritance for the form library and assigned permissions to a "create, uppfæra" user and a separate "update only" notandi. The mechanics all worked, but it turned out to be a little more involving than I expected. (Ef þú feel a lítill skjálfta á SharePoint leyfi, skrá sig út this blogg). The required security configuration for the permission level was not the obvious set of granular permissions. To create an update-only permission level for an InfoPath form, Ég gerði eftirfarandi:

  1. Búa til nýjan leyfi stig.
  2. Hreinsa burt alla möguleika.
  3. Selected only the following from "List permissions":
    • Breyta Atriði
    • Skoða hluti
    • Skoða Umsókn Greinar

Velja þessa valkosti leyfa notanda að uppfæra mynd, en ekki skapa það.

The trick was to enable the "View Application Pages". There isn’t any verbage on the permission level that indicates that’s required for update-only InfoPath forms, en reynist það er.

Create-and-Update was even stranger. I followed the same steps, 1 gegnum 3 ofan. I had to specifically add a "Site Permission" valkostur: "Use client integration features". Aftur, lýsing þar er ekki að gera það virðast eins og það ætti að vera þörf fyrir Infopath formi, en þar er.


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