Creu Rotator Delwedd yn SharePoint Defnyddio jQuery

Mae amser yn ôl, Ysgrifennais erthygl ar gyfer SharePoint Briffio ( sy'n disgrifio sut i greu delwedd rotator yn SharePoint. Dyma ymlid:


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3 meddyliau ar "Creu Rotator Delwedd yn SharePoint Defnyddio jQuery

  1. Christophe


    Now that you’ve migrated your blog, I finally get a chance to comment on this post 😉

    jQuery is so easy that it is tempting to overuse it, and it is the case in your post. Darllenais:
    $(“#CatImage”).attr(“src”,”/jQuery/Cat%20Pictures/cat0″ + i + “.jpg”);
    That one line represents dozens of painstaking plain-old JavaScript code lines

    A dweud y gwir, here is the equivalent in plain JavaScript:
    document.getElementById(“CatImage”).src =”/jQuery/Cat%20Pictures/cat0″ + i + “.jpg”;

    Ydw, one line too, and no dependency on an external library.

    Note that I use jQuery myself to build image rotators, but for different reasons:
    the ability to pull a list of image URLs using cross-browser AJAX
    transition effects between images

    As a reference:
    a demo of jQuery rotators:
    – fy adeiladwr rotator JavaScript plaen:


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