Non sería legal se ...

Eu estaba pasando pola miña enorme pila de revistas MSDN para obter a miña muller a miña volta para 30 segundo para abrir espazo para novas revistas MSDN e me deparei con un vello artigo sobre a integración de MS Speech Server co Workflow Foundation e eu penso, non sería legal para integrar todo o que o SharePoint? It would be kind of neat to be able to say “Create site named [web legal] no conxunto de sitios web [papá oso]” into my cell phone and have it do that. I can imagine an architecture where speech server hands off the commands to a workflow application that does all the work. That’s very easy logic to implement on the server side of the fence.

Na interface de usuario, you’d have to do something to get it rolling. I’d probably go to a “speech monitor” kind of SharePoint site that has some jQuery running that monitors a queue that is updated by the workflow application and shows, en tempo real, what’s happening.

That would be a pretty crazy technology train right there. Cell phone dialing up to speech server on some machine. Workflows bridging the gap between Speech Server and SharePoint. jQuery enhancing a plain Jane SharePoint UI.

Existe un compoñente práctico desta? Who knows. Who cares?


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Un pensamento sobre "Non sería legal se ...

  1. Matthijs Hoekstra

    It’s simpeler to look at UCMA of the OCS R2 platform. Has speech in it as well, including some out of the box workflow activities.


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