Quick u Easy: Formola InfoPath Awtomatikament Open Mill SharePoint Designer Email

UPDATE: Madjur Ahuja jirrimarka din ir-rabta minn diskussjoni newsgroup: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms772417.aspx. It’s pretty definitive.


We often want to embed hyperlinks to InfoPath forms in emails sent from SharePoint Designer workflows. When users receive these emails, huma jistgħu ikklikkja fuq il-link tal-email u jmorru direttament għall-forma InfoPath.

Din il-kostruzzjoni URL monster jaħdem għalija:

http://server/sites/departments/Technical Services/InformationTechnology/HelpDesk/_layouts/FormServer.aspx?XmlLocation=/sites/departments/Technical Services/InformationTechnology/HelpDesk/REC REM RED Forms/REC2007-12-18T11_33_48.xml&Source=http://server.corp.domain.com/sites/departments/Technical%20Services/InformationTechnology/HelpDesk/REC%20REM%20RED%20Forms/Forms/AllItems.aspx&DefaultItemOpen = 1

Ibdel it-test aħmar bolded bl-isem tal-formola, kif muri fil-screenshot li ġejjin:


Innota li hemm ħafna ta 'passaġġ hard-coded f'dak URL, as well as a URL-encoded component. If this is too hard to translate to your specific situation, try turning on alerts for the form library. Post a form and when you get the email, tara l-sors ta 'l-email u tkun taf tara dak kollu li għandek bżonn biex tinkludi.

Astute readers may notice that the above email body also shows a link that directly accesses the task via a filtered view. I plan to explain that in greater detail in a future post.


Wieħed ħasbu dwar "Quick u Easy: Formola InfoPath Awtomatikament Open Mill SharePoint Designer Email

  1. Ashish Kanoongo
    Kif Nista format qasam datetime sal-lum biss qasam emailbody?
    Kif tista 'tuża jekk imbagħad dikjarazzjoni ieħor fil-ġisem email? Let say for an boolean field value is ‘True’, I want to display ‘Yes’ otherwise ‘No’. Huwa dan posible?
    As I am jużaw FBA, hekk meta nuża qasam createdby, huwa wkoll turi aspsqlnetprovide isem alongwith username, kif tista i tneħħi dan?
    Grazzi bil-quddiem, jekk jogħġbok irrispondi asap.

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