Thinking About Prodotti Kummerċjali

I imqiegħed Proġett estensjonijiet Designer SharePoint up fuq CodePlex aktar kmieni din is-sena u anki jekk huwa verament pjuttost limitata fl-ambitu, Jiena nistma li huwa kien jitniżżel minn 40 li 60 (possibilment anke 100) companies in just about two months. That indicates to me that there’s a market for that solution and if I were to successfully commercialize it, li jistgħu jsarrfu ammont goodly ta 'birra 🙂

Isfond tiegħi huwa fil-fatt ħafna aktar fl-iżvilupp tal-prodott u naf dak li huwa meħtieġ biex prodott top-talja, bħala kuntrarju għal proġett passatemp CodePlex, to market. In my ħajja tal-passat, I kien responsabbli għall-prodott R&D for all software products. The difference between then and now is that I’m a consultant now working for an (eċċellenti) ditta ta 'konsultazzjoni (Conchango). Preċedentement, I kellha kumpannija sħiħa lura lili u quddiem lili, selling and supporting the products we brought to market. Illum, I d jkun waħdu.

I jkollhom diversi ideat prodott fil-moħħ, but I think the easiest would be to create a commercial version of the above-mentioned CodePlex project that uses that as a starting point and extends it further. My fuzzy off-the-cuff thinking is to charge something like $100 għal liċenzja iżviluppatur bla limitu u $500 per production web front end. I think I would also give away the source code.

Jekk għandek ħsibijiet jew esperjenzi li int lesti li jaqsmu, jekk jogħġbok leave kumment jew email lili direttament. I’d like to hear opinions like:

  • Huwa kollha utli?
  • Suġġerimenti prattiċi għall-marketing, ġbir ta 'flus, distribuzzjoni.
  • Ipprezzar.
  • Appoġġ.
  • Kwalunkwe kumment ieħor li tixtieq li jħallu.

It’s "easy" biex joħorġu b'ideat prodott u biex jimplimentawhom, though many dozens of hours of work are required. The other stuff is not as easy for me.


2 ħsibijiet dwar "Thinking About Prodotti Kummerċjali

  1. Ian Campbell
    Hi Paul,
    I’m a contractor in UK but have written a number of Sharepoint add-ons that are available for download and purchase, some have been available for a few years now.
    Kif Sharepoint tmur mainstream I think tagħha attwalment jkollna aktar diffiċli!
    You learn loads and its fun, imma iebsa tagħha biex jgħixu barra minnha.
    Idea prodott u l-iżvilupp huwa faċli.
    Some tricky bits;
    – Nies jixtiequ affarijiet b'xejn! I jikkonvertu <10% ta 'dawnlowds għall-bejgħ.
    – Bejgħ u Marketing.
    – Kunsinna u l-Ħlas.
    – Setup.
    – Demo u l-mudell Liċenzjar Live u l-kodiċi li tinfurzaha.
    – Illoggjar u debugging għall-appoġġ.
    – Sharepoint can be configured/installed in Soooo many differnet ways. you have to test/support all of them.
    – Appoġġ, appoġġ, appoġġ. Once you release a product you will be inundated by people with descriptive questions like ‘Its not working’. No offence but most times the user is pretty stupid and nearly always the problem is nothing to do with your code, but something completely unrelated. Even so it can take hours /days to figure this out and you have to do it remotely. The cost of servicing support calls will soon wipe out the $100 prezz tax-xiri.
    Ħsibijiet tiegħi…if you could sell a product without any support it would work.
    Inkella għandek bżonn app qattiel jew għandek bżonn li titlob aktar.
  2. Matt Taylor
    Hi Paul
    Jien f'sitwazzjoni simili ħafna lilek innifsek għalkemm jien indipendenti, I anke tlestew reċentement xi konsulenza fuq Conchango f'isem fir-Renju Unit. I d jkun verament interessati fi kwalunkwe feedback ikollok minn din il-kariga bħala I wisq jkollhom ix-xewqa għall-prodotti tas-suq (għad iridu jiġu miktuba) madwar l-pjattaforma WSS / MOSS. Inti laqat il-musmar fuq ir-ras, product ideas and implementation is indeed the "easy" parti.
    Aħjar ta 'xortih,

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