Quick u sempliċi: Kkonfigurat MOSS li tfittxija librerija speċifiku dokument

See UPDATE (I) below (11/24/07) fuq Kif Kkonfigurat Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 biex Indiċi u Crawl Folders Netwerk għall Search

Għan: I want to execute a search restricted to a specific document library. F'dan il-każ, il-librerija dokument fih dokumenti taħriġ.


1. Irreġistra l-URL tal-librerija dokument.

2. Oħloq ambitu:

Mur amministrazzjoni ċentrali.

Aċċess għall-SSP.

Go to "Search Settings".

Scroll down to the scope section and select "View Scopes".

Create a new scope. Give it a name and useful description.

3. Jiddefinixxi regoli jitkaxkru ambitu:

Żid regola li tiddefinixxi l-librerija dokument għal dan l-iskop.

Select "web address" for "Scope Rule Type".

Daħħal l-isem ta 'folder tiegħek (tara #1 hawn fuq).

Accept the default value of "Include".

Stenna għall-iskop li taġġorna (jew jibdew dan manwalment).

4. Jippermettu l-ambitu ta 'ġbir sit.

Mur ġbir sit fejn inti tixtieq li tuża dan l-ambitu.

Żid ambitu ġdida tiegħek għall-grupp wiri jew gruppi adattati.

5. Fittex!

F'dan il-punt, you’re done. Assuming the scope is properly defined, se jkun disponibbli fil-downs qatra ambiti ta 'riċerka għall sempliċi u avvanzati u meta inti tfittex billi tuża dak l-ambitu, tkun taf biss tikseb riżultati inti tistenna.


I kiteb dan blog dħul minħabba tfittxijiet tiegħi għall setup ambitu sempliċi mdawwar up jużaw frażijiet niexef bħal:

  • kkonfigurat ambiti fil MOSS
  • kkonfigurat ħażiż ambitu tfittxija
  • ambiti fil Sharepoint 2007
  • ambiti fil Sharepoint
  • tfittxija librerija dokument ħażiż
  • ambiti primer ħażiż

Tista 'toħloq ambitu tfittxija fuq folder, not just the entire document library.

A ambitu tista 'tiġi kondiviża bejn kollezzjonijiet sit multipli (għalhekk, a "shared service").

You can create the scope at the site collection level itself. Madankollu, I prefer to go to central admin because I can start the crawl from there. You cannot start the crawl from the site collection.

UPDATE (I) bħala ta ' 11/24/07:

Kai Shang put together a great post entitled Kif Kkonfigurat Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 biex Indiċi u Crawl Folders Netwerk għall Search @ http://kaishenghoo.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!8A7458DB12CA5AC9!206.entry

4 ħsibijiet dwar "Quick u sempliċi: Kkonfigurat MOSS li tfittxija librerija speċifiku dokument

  1. Ebda isem
    Hi Paul,
    Like no name’s last comment, i also stuck on the 0 results. Add some new scopes by using site collection setting.
    These are of images and pdf files. In pdf files it showing item count : 2 and Total :0 why???
    Even in images showing me item count :0 and Total error…very surprising…
    When i am searching the pdf document using my new scope it showing no result.
    would you please help me out what should i do for this.
    Please email me at kdk1983@gmail.com
  2. Chris Stewart
    Hi Paul
    I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction. I am in the process of testing how things work. I have created a custom list called Clients. In this list I have created a sample set of clients that has details such as product purchased and location and sales person assigned to them. I have then created a document library which contains all client documents. For these documents I have defined a couple of Metadata fields one of which is a link to the customer name that is in the list I created.
    Is it possible to create a search whereby I could select several fields such as location and sales person and then have returned to me all the documents that are relevant to the criteria I have selected from the list for my search?
    In SQL terms what i am doing is asking it first to return the names of all the clients where Location =X and Sales Person=Y. Then I am taking that result and asking the system to return all the documents that relate to the returned list of clients given by my first query.
    Any help or directional guides suggestions you could point me at would be greatly appreciated.
    Kind Iqis
  3. Josh Hoehne
    When I follow your steps it says that I have no items in my scope even though I know there are files in the library. The weirdest thing is that it used to be working but all of a sudden it stopped working. Meaning that the scope used to have the appropriate content in it, but something happened and it won’t show any of my files. Any ideas of what I can do or what I am doing wrong?

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