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MOSS User Profile as the Authority for User Language Preference

On my current project, some of the users will travel around the world and when they arrive at different destinations, use whatever machine is handy at the time. Those guest machines will be running Windows and installed and configured for the local…

Capturing “mailto:” Metrics

I’m on a project where we need to collect metrics around a function named "Share a Story." The idea is very simple — if you’re looking at an interesting article on the intranet and want to share it with someone, click a link…

Defining “Great” SharePoint Requirements

As requested and promised, I’ve uploaded my presentation on how to obtain "great" requirements from end users for SharePoint projects and implementations. It’s here: http://cid-1cc1edb3daa9b8aa.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/SharePoi…

Self-Service Site Creation Isn’t Exactly About Creating Sites

Like many SharePoint consultant types, I’ve been exposed to a lot of SharePoint functionality. Some times, I dive pretty deep. Other times I just notice it as I’m flying by to another set of menu options. One of those is "self-ser…

Spinning Up Temporary Virtual WFE’s for Fun and Profit

I was one of 20 or 30 (or maybe 100?) panelists last night at the New York SharePoint Users Group meeting. Instead of the usual presentation format, this was all about Q&A between the audience and the panel members. Early on, Michael Lotter int…

Large-scale MOSS Document Management Projects: 50k Per Day, 10 Million Total

This past week, someone asked a question about creating a SharePoint environment that would handle a pretty high volume of new documents (10,000 +/- in this case). I don’t know much about this, but thanks to this white paper, I feel much better…

Saving Older MS Office Files to SharePoint Using WebDAV — Problems and Fixes

During the past week, my colleague and I were doing some work for a client in NYC. We were testing a different aspects of a MOSS implementation using their "standard" workstation build (as opposed to our laptops). While doing that, we ran i…

SharePoint Migration Tip: Use “untagged data” Views For Incremental Migration

In one or my very first blog posts, I described the overall process we followed to migrate a customer from SPS 2003 to MOSS. A reader left a comment asking for more detail and here it is. For that migration project, we had to find a good way to move …

MOSS Small Farm Installation and Configuration War Story

This week, I’ve struggled a bit with my team to get MOSS installed in a simple two-server farm. Having gone through it, I have a greater appreciation for the kinds of problems people report on the MSDN forums and elsewhere. The final farm confi…

Learning the Hard Way — DMZ WFE Must be in a Domain

Although it’s not literally true, as a practical matter, an internet-facing web front end in a DMZ must be in a domain (i.e. not some standalone server in its own little workgroup). It doesn’t need to be in the same domain as the internal…